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Sanofi-Institut Pasteur International Junior Award for Marek Basler

The distinguished jury announced that Prof. Marek Basler from the Biozentrum, University of Basel, will receive the Sanofi-Institut Pasteur International Junior Award this year together with Prof. Ido Amit, Weizmann…

Dirk Bumann elected as member of Leopoldina

The German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina recognizes Prof. Dirk Bumann from the Biozentrum, University of Basel, for his outstanding scientific achievements in the field of infection biology. This year, Leopoldina…

A springboard into research for Bachelor students

What questions arise in day-to-day scientific research? What is it like to work as a scientist? And how does a research group work? The opportunity to get to the bottom of these questions, to actively participate in everyday…

A springboard into research for Bachelor students

What questions arise in day-to-day scientific research? What is it like to work as a scientist? And how does a research group work? The opportunity to get to the bottom of these questions, to actively participate in everyday…

A springboard into research for Bachelor students

What questions arise in day-to-day scientific research? What is it like to work as a scientist? And how does a research group work? The opportunity to get to the bottom of these questions, to actively participate in everyday…

Synapses of the reward system at stake in autistic disorders

In all mammals, the reward system is a fundamental brain circuit that reinforces certain behaviours by providing the motivation necessary for their achievement. Search for food, learning or emotional behaviours are for…

Fiona Doetsch newly elected EMBO member

Today, the EMBO announced the election of Prof. Fiona Doetsch, research group leader at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel, as a new member. This year, 63 scientists from 25 different countries, three being from…

Official opening of the new Biozentrum building

The Biozentrum is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2021. To properly mark the occasion, the 73-meter-high new building was dedicated on Tuesday. Eight years after breaking ground and right on time for the beginning of the…

Continued funding for Allen Discovery Center

How does a complex organism with a large number of different cells develop from a single cell? What are the common ancestors of the individual cells and how are they related to each other? What are the signals that drive the…

Alex Schier appointed new Director of the Biozentrum

Since 2005, Prof. Alexander F. Schier has been a professor in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Harvard University in Cambridge (USA). He has received several academic awards, among them the Merit Award and…