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Core Facility Platforms

Resources to neigbouring core facilities housed at the Department of Biomedicine in Hebelstrasse and Mattenstrasse part of the University Hospital Basel


Here you can find the link to the Flow Cytometry – Single Cell Facility | ETH Zurich Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering, soon to relocate to Klingelbergstrasse, Basel 


General links The International Society for Advancement of Cytometry is a scientific and educational organization that leads the way in development of cytometry, transfer of new methodologies, and exchange of cutting-edge scientific and technical information in quantitative cell sciences PUCL is one of the leading laboratories in cytometry, with many informative resources a resource for flow cytometry, antibody search, knowledge and services

Our instrument booking homepage

Tools On the BD spetrum viewer or the Invitrogen spectrum viewer you can check for the excitation and emission spectra of fluorochromes and evaluate their compatibility with the configuration of the instrument

Visit the FPbase to check the spectra of your fluorochromes

FluoroFinder provides a antibody panel design platform and a spectra viewer on their new platform FluoroSearch 
E-books and online tutorials

‘Flow Cytometry – a basic introduction’ by Michael G. Omerod

'Flow Cytometry Protocols' by Teresa S. Hawley

OpenFlow a great selection of videos covering all aspects of flow cytometry

CytoUniversity learning platform from ISAC

Archive of BD webinar recordings

Archive of Invitrogen webinar recordings

FlowJo video tutorials provide basic and advanced tutorials

Archive of FlowJo webinar recordings