- Forschungsgruppen
Research Fields & Publications
- Computational and Theoretical Biology
- Developmental, Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology
- Evolution and Ecology
- Genetics and Genomics
- Microbiology, Infection Biology and Immunology
- Molecular and Cellular Biology
- Molecular Medicine, Physiology, Metabolism and Aging
- Multicellular Dynamics
- Neuroscience
- Physics of Life
- Signaling and Gene Regulation
- Structural Biology, Biochemistry and Biophysics
- Systems and Synthetic Biology
- Publications
- Preise & Ehrungen
- Technology Ventures
- Partner
- Biozentrum Events
- Life Science Events Basel
- Biozentrum Public Events
- Seminar Series
- Vergangene Events
About us
- Biozentrum auf einen Blick
- Organisation
- Administration
- Willkommen
- Alumninews
Alumni Portraits
- Henri Saenz
- Irena and Björn Burmann
- Marcel Weber
- Britta Hartmann
- Hilde Janssens
- Sacha Glardon
- Max Brackmann
- Catherine Brun
- André Brunella
- Michaela Roth
- Gottfried Eisner
- Björn Grünenfelder
- Anna Mandilova
- Serej Ley
- Tobias Pauli
- Kathrin Thedieck
- Christian Sengstag
- Barbara Geering
- Natalaya Izergina
- Georg Halder
- Gabriela Güntherodt
- Thomas Meier
- Anja Renold
- Mathis Brauchbar
- Isabelle Schubert
- Randy Schekmann
- Nadine Cybulski
- Thomas Müller
- Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard
- Hans-Peter Wessels
- Thomas Walz
- Christian Itin
- Alumni Awards & Honors
- Mitgliedschaft
- Benefits