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Prof. Peter Scheiffele
FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence Mentoring Prize

Prof. Dirk Bumann
Member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
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Prof. Torsten Schwede
Fellow International Society for Computational Biology
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Prof. Michaela Zavolan
Fellow International Society for Computational Biology
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Prof. Anissa Kempf
FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence (FKNE)

Prof. Marek Basler
Elected EMBO Membership
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Prof. Knut Drescher
SNSF Consolidator Grant
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Prof. Peter Scheiffele
SNSF Advanced Grant
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Prof. Benjamin Engel
ERC Consolidator Grant
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Prof. Silvia Arber
Brain Prize 2022
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Prof. Alex Schier
Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
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Prof. Anissa Kempf
ERC Starting Grant
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Prof. Markus Rüegg
Lelio Orci Award 2021


Prof. Michael N. Hall
Axel Ullrich Medal
MPI-Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany


Prof. Michael N. Hall
Prix Mondial Nessim Habif
University of Geneva

Prof. Susan Mango
Teaching Excellence Award, University of Basel
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Prof. Anne Spang
Member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
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Prof. Silvia Arber
ERC Advanced Grant
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Prof. Flavio Donato
FENS-Kavali Network of Excellence (FKNE)

Prof. Michael N. Hall
Vallee Visiting Professorship Award
The Bert L. & N. Kuggie Vallee Foundation


Prof. Flavio Donato
SNSF Eccellenza Grant

Prof. Camilo Perez
EMBO Young Investigator
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Prof. Maria Hondele
ERC Starting Grant 
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Prof. Anne Spang
Elected Fellow of the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB)

Prof. Fiona Doetsch
Elected EMBO Membership
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Prof. Alexander Schier
Member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences
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Prof. Silvia Arber
Member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences
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Prof. Alexander Schier
Georg Streisinger Award 


Prof. Michael N. Hall
Sjöberg Prize 2020
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Prof. Michael N. Hall
BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award
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Prof. Silvia Arber
Lelio Orci Award 2019

Prof. Michael N. Hall
Doctor honoris causa, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
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Prof. Marek Basler
ERC Consolidator Grant 2019
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Prof. Marek Basler
Sanofi - Institut Pasteur International Junior Award 2019
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Prof. Silvia Arber
Charles-Léopold Mayer Prize 2019

Prof. Silvia Arber
Betty and David Koetser Memorial Prize 2019

Prof. Flavio Donato
ERC Starting Grant
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Prof. Michael N. Hall
Nakasone Award of the Human Frontier Science Program
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Prof. Michael N. Hall
Ricketts Award, University of Chicago, USA

Prof. Susan Mango
Elected EMBO Membership
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Prof. Alexander Schier
ERC Advanced Grant
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Prof. Silvia Arber
International Prize 2018 of the Fyssen Foundation
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Prof. em. Urs A. Meyer
2019 EACPT Lifetime Achievement Award
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Prof. Alexander Schier
Breakthrough of the Year by Science
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Prof. Michael N. Hall
Charles Rodolphe Brupbacher Award for Cancer Research
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Prof. Silvia Arber
W. Alden Spencer Award 
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Prof. Sebastian Hiller
ICMRBS Founder's Medal
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Prof. Marek Basler
EMBO Gold Medal
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Prof. Alexander Schier
Elected EMBO Membership
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Prof. Fiona Doetsch
ERC Advanced Grant
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Prof. Silvia Arber
Pradel Research Award 2018 
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Prof. Marek Basler
Friedrich Miescher Award 2018
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Prof. Michael N. Hall
Lelio Orci Award 2017 

Prof. Michael N. Hall
Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award
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Prof. Richard Neher
Open Science Prize
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Prof. Michael N. Hall
Szent-Györgyi Prize for Progress in Cancer Research
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Prof. Silvia Arber
Louis Jeantet Prize for Medicine
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Prof. Alex Schier
Director’s Pioneer Award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)



Prof. Michael N. Hall
Debrecen Award for Molecular Medicine, University of Debrecen, Hungary

Prof. Michael N. Hall
Honorary doctorate from the University of Geneva

Prof. Silvia Arber
ERC Advanced Investigator Grant

Prof. Peter Scheiffele
ERC Advanced Investigator Grant

Prof. Alex Schier
Merit Award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)



Prof. Thomas Mrsic-Flogel
Larry Katz Prize

Prof. Dirk Bumann
Pettenkofer Prize

Prof. Silvia Arber
Remedios Caro Almela Prize in Developmental Neurobiology

Prof. Marek Basler
EMBO Young Investigator

Prof. Clemens Cabernard
EMBO Young Investigator

Prof. Dirk Buman
Elected EMBO Membership

Prof. Mihaela Zavolan
Elected EMBO Membership

Prof. Petr Broz
HFSP Career Development Award

Prof. Michael N. Hall
Gairdner Foundation International Award, Canada 


Prof. Silvia Arber
Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 

Prof. Marek Basler
SNSF Starting Grant

Prof. Kelly Tan
SNSF Starting Grant

Prof. Sebastian Hiller
EMBO Young Investigator

Prof. Petr Broz
EMBO Young Investigator

Prof. Silvia Arber
Elected member of the Academia Europea 

Prof. Mihaela Zavolan
Elected member of the Academia Europea 

Prof. Michael N. Hall
Sir Hans Krebs Medal

Prof. Silvia Arber
City of Basel Science Award 2014

Prof. Peter Scheiffele
Robert-Bing-Prize 2014

Prof. Michael N. Hall
Member of the National Academy of Sciences 

Prof. Silvia Arber
Otto Naegeli Prize



Prof. Michael N. Hall
ERC Synergy Grant 2014 - 2020

Prof. Michael N. Hall
Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences 2014 

Prof. Thomas Mrsic-Flogel
ERC Consolidator Grant

Prof. Christoph Handschin
ERC Consolidator Grant

Prof. Sonja Hofer
Eric Kandel Young Neuroscientists Prize 

Prof. Christoph Dehio
ERC Advanced Investigator Grant

Prof. Markus Affolter
Elected SNSF Research Council Member 

Prof. Sonja Hofer
ERC Starting Grant

Prof. Michael N. Hall
Elected SAMS Member

Prof. Christoph Dehio
Elected EMBO Member

Prof. Peter Scheiffele
Elected EMBO Member

Prof. Dr. Walter Gehring
Vallee Visiting Professorship Award
The Bertl L. & N. Kuggie Vallee Foundation 


Prof. Urs Jenal
ERC Advanced Investigator Grant

Prof. Simon Bernèche
Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching 

Prof. Michael N. Hall
Marcel Benoist Prize

Prof. Mihaela Zavolan
ERC Starting Grant

Prof. Anne Spang
Sinergia Funding Grant from the SNSF 

Prof. Urs Jenal
Elected EMBO Member


Prof. Guy Cornelis
ERC Advanced Investigator Grant

Prof. Sebastian Hiller
ERC Starting Grant

Prof. Christoph Handschin
Sinergia Funding Grant from the SNSF 

Prof. Heinrich Reichert
Sinergia Funding Grant from the SNSF 

Prof. Dr. Jean Pieters
Appointed Corresponding Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science 

Prof. Dr. Ueli Aebi
"Distinguished Scientist Award" for Biology from the Microscopy Society of America 

Prof. Dr. Ueli Aebi
"Carl Zeiss Lecture" award by the German Society for Cell Biology 

Prof. Dr. Urs Jenal
Elected Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology 

Prof. Dr. Ueli Aebi
Honorary doctorat by the Charles University in Prague 

Prof. Dr. Werner Arber
Appointed President of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences 


Prof. Dr. Christoph Dehio
Member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina 

Prof. Dr. Stephan Grzesiek
Elected Fellow by the International Society of Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR) 

Prof. Dr. Anne Spang
BINDER Innovation Prize

Prof. Dr. Walter Gehring
Honorary Doctorate by the University of Barcelona 

Prof. Dr. Silvia Arber
ERC Advanced Investigators Grant

Prof. Dr. Walter Gehring
Great Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany 

Prof. Peter Philippsen
Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS)