Evolution of viruses and bacteria We want to understand the dynamics of evolution and the forces that drive it. Evolution of plants and animals tend to happen over centuries of even longer time-scales. Microbial organisms,…
Role of type IV secretion systems in the establishment of chronic bacterial infections The aim of our studies is to gain a molecular understanding of the function of type IV secretion (T4S) systems in establishing persistent…
IMCF guidelines 1. General booking Rules: The user can book a microscope only after having received the appropriate introduction. The instruments can be booked up to 14 days in advance. During daily working hours (9-17h),…
Regulators of gene expression from stem cell differentiation to aging Our group is interested in the mechanisms that control gene expression from very early to very late in human life. In eukaryotes, gene expression is a…
Main Content Research Groups A-Z Jan Pieter Abrahams Die elementaren Strukturen des Lebens aufdecken Markus Affolter Entwicklung von Blutgefässen und komplexen Organen Silvia Arber Funktion motorischer Netzwerke Marek Basler…
Ehemalige Professoren Prof. Dr. Cécile Arrieumerlou 2006 − 2013 Professorin für Infektionsbiologie Mehr Prof. Dr. Simon Bernèche 2008 − 2015 Professor für Biophysik Mehr Prof. Dr. Petr Broz 2013 − 2017 Professor für…
Michelle Gut, PhD student, group Maria Hondele What inspired you to pursue a career in science? Already back in high school, I loved the STEM subjects. At fifteen, I took a bold step and moved out from home to pursue an…
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