Documents & Links
Formal documents for the MSc Physics of Life:
- Studienplan (German) / Study Plan (English translation): This document specifies the formal regulations for the MSc Physics of Life.
- Wegleitung (German) / Study Guide (English translation: This document provides a prctical guideline to the students for how to complete the MSc Physics of Life study program.
- Degree Profile (to follow)
Forms – specific to the MSc Physics of Life:
- Course Selection Form
- Registration of a Master’s Thesis in Physics of Life (to follow)
- Registration for the Master’s Exam in Physics of Life (to follow)
- Expert Opinion on Master’s Thesis (to follow)
Forms – provided by the Faculty:
- Learning Contract for Master Thesis
- Assessment Master's Examination
- Declaration on Scientific Integrity / Erklärung zur wissenschaftlichen Redlichkeit (to be included in the written Master’s thesis report)
General study-related information:
- Student Regulations of the University of Basel
- Rahmenordnung (study regulations for BSc and MSc programs at the University of Basel)
- Information for students
- Visa and residence permit
- Gainful employment non EU/EFTA/CH citizen (see Section 7)
- Accommodation
- Student administration portal: semester registration, course registration, learning contracts , personal data administration, etc.