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General Information

General Information The conference will take place June 9-13, 2024 at Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF) in Monte Verità, Ascona - CH. Instructions Instructions for posters: A0 format, Portrait orientation Instructions for…

Pradel Research Award 2018 für Silvia Arber

Silvia Arber gehört zu den bekanntesten NeurobiologInnen weltweit und ist führend in der Erforschung neuronaler Netzwerke, die unsere Bewegungsabläufe steuern. Ihre Forschung über Aufbau, Struktur und Funktion solch…

A3: New Approaches to Tackle Antibiotic Resistance

A3: New Approaches to Tackle Antibiotic Resistance – 14466 (1 hr/week; 1 CP; Fall 2024) Urs Jena l , Marek Basler, Dirk Bumann, Christoph Dehio, Médéric Diard, Knut Drescher This lecture series was redesigned in the scope of…


CV of Prof. Dr. Knut Drescher ORCID 0000-0002-7340-2444 Google Scholar Google Scholar Positions: Since 2021 Associate Professor at the Biozentrum 2015 - 2021 Professor of Biophysics, Philipps-Universität Marburg 2014 - 2021…

Join the lab

Research is a team effort! Lab retreat in June 2023. Interested in joining the Drescher group? Our research group focuses on understanding bacterial multicellular development and functions. We use methods from physics,…

What is Research IT

Support for your Research The Research IT Technology Platform was created in 2007 to extend IT support at the Biozentrum beyond standard IT workplace solutions. Integrating and completing existing services, we provide…

Jadiel Wasson

Jadiel Wasson, Postdoc, Group Mango What is your research about? My research centers around understanding how different types of environmental inputs have intergenerational effects in a process known as epigenetic…

Biozentrum Highlights 2022

Nach über zwei Jahren Pandemie ist die Forschung und das Leben am Biozentrum wieder weitgehend in normalen Bahnen verlaufen. Diese aussergewöhnliche Zeit hat uns gelehrt, dass zwar Vieles durch virtuelle Formate ersetzt…


CV of Prof. Dr. Silvia Arber ORCID 0000-0002-6261-250X Nationality : Swiss Positions: 2015 – 2018 Deputy Director of the Biozentrum Since 2008 Full Professor for Neurobiology/Cell Biology, Biozentrum, University of Basel,…

VAMP: Virtual Analysis and Data Management Platform

VAMP: Virtual Analysis and Data Management Platform Concept of the VAMP platform for data analysis Interactive analysis of imaging datasets using the VAMP platform Microscopy data is a major driver of data growth at the…