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Welcome to the Biozentrum Alumni

The Biozentrum Alumni organization is a subgroup of AlumniBasel. Its goal is to enable its alumni to continue to participate in the life of the Biozentrum, to maintain relationships with former colleagues and to enhance their networking opportunities. The Biozentrum alumni are spread throughout the world: Almost half of the alumni live abroad. 

The Biozentrum Alumni is not only open to former students. There are professors, scientific staff and also non-scientific employees, who have often worked over decades for the Biozentrum. They are also invited to be part of this community. In order to inform its members about interesting and newsworthy information from the Biozentrum and also about the professional development of some of its alumni, the Biozentrum publishes the ALUMNInews twice a year. Its members also have access to two web-based platforms to establish contacts and exchange knowledge. 

Biozentrum Alumni members become automatically members of the AlumniBasel and can then also profit from the benefits and services of the parent organization.

Biozentrum Alumni, Communications, Spitalstrasse 41, CH-4056 Basel
Phone + 41 61 207 15 66,
AlumniBasel, Petersgraben 35, Postfach 2148, CH-4001 Basel
Phone + 41 61 207 08 68 of 69,

Biozentrum Alumni Board
Katrin Bühler
Marcel Scheiwiller
Evi Sonderegger