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Media Contact

Dr. Katrin Bühler
Email katrin.buehlerunibasch
Phone +41 61 207 09 74

Heike Sacher
Email heike.sacherunibasch
Phone +41 61 207 14 49

Experts for Media

For topics that might be of interest to you as a journalist, please find below a list of experts on various topics.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Katrin Bühler or Heike Sacher.

Topic Experts
Epidemiology and Evolution
Influenza virus
RNA virus 
Prof. Richard Neher
Professor of Computational Modelling and Biological Processes
Research: Evolution and spread of pathogens.
Phone +41 61 207 58 34
Email: richard.neherunibasch  
Infection Biology
Antibiotic Resistance
Bacterial Infections
Hospital Germ

Prof. Christoph Dehio
Professor of Infection Biology
Research: Bacterial infections
Phone +41 61 207 21 40
Email: christoph.dehiounibasch

Prof. Dirk Bumann
Professor of Infection Biology
Research: Metabolism of bacteria
Phone +41 61 207 23 82
Email: dirk.bumannunibasch
Prof. Urs Jenal
Professor of Infection Biology
Research: Signaling in bacterial infections
Phone +41 61 207 21 35
Email: urs.jenalunibasch
Autism  Prof. Peter Scheiffele
Professor of Neurobiology
Research: Development of neuronal networks in the brain 
Phone +41 61 207 21 94
Email: peter.scheiffeleunibasch
Motor Control
Parkinson’s disease 

Prof. Silvia Arber
Professor of Neurobiology
Research: Function of neuronal circuits controlling motor behavior
Phone +41 61 207 20 57
Email: silvia.arberunibasch
Sleep Prof. Anissa Kempf
Professor of Neurobiology
Research: How the brain controls sleep
Phone +41 61 207 65 75
Email: anissa.kempfunibasch
Stem Cells  Prof. Fiona Doetsch
Professor of Neurobiology
Research: Stem cells in the adult mammalian brain
Phone +41 61 207 22 30
Email: fiona.doetschunibasch
Growth and Development
Cancer and Diabetes Prof. Michael N. Hall
Professor of Biochemistry 
Research: Cell growth and metabolism in health and diseases such as cancer and  diabetes 
Phone +41 61 207 21 50
Email: m.hallunibasch
Muscle Function 
Muscular Diseases
Prof. Christoph Handschin
Professor of Developmental and Cell Biology
Research: Skeletal muscle cell plasticity in health and disease, exercise and aging
Phone +41 61 207 23 78
Email: christoph.handschinunibasch
Prof. Markus Rüegg
Professor of Developmental and Cell Biology
Research: Skeletal muscle aging and neuromuscular diseases
Phone +41 61 207 22 23
Email: markus-a.rueggunibasch