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Basel Summer Science Academy for Gymnasium students

To enable you to actively carry out research while you are still at high school and to experience firsthand what it means to do research at a top university, the University of Basel launched the “Basel Summer Science Academy” in 2019.

In this course, you will be looking for new types of bacterial viruses, so-called bacteriophages. To this end, you will collect water samples taken from the Rhine and examine them microbiologically. You will learn about the microbiological methods and tools, such as working under sterile conditions, cultivating bacteria and viruses and the production of culture media. The bacteriophages grown in the lab are subsequently examined more closely. You will analyze the isolated bacteriophages using state-of-the-art microscopes, including an electron microscope, decipher their genetic material and follow the traces of evolution in the lab.

The course is complemented by an exciting side program including lectures and visits to the most important players in the local industry. In this way, you will also get to know many aspects of the important life sciences location Basel in these two weeks.

All gymnasiums in the Basel region, including international and private schools, have a certain number of places available. If you are interested, you can apply online as of mid January, 2025.

Application is open until Feburary 28, 2025.

At a glance

Who Gymnasium students from the Basel region
Grades 11 - 13
Date June 30 -  July 11, 2025 
Where Biozentrum, University of Basel, Spitalstrasse 41
Number of participants 24
Content Research, excursions and social activities 
Language English
Course coordinator Dr. Dominik Buser and his team of scientific tutors from the Biozentrum
Application Fill in the application form online and upload a short letter of motivation (max. 1 page)
Application deadline February 28, 2025
Costs Participation is free of charge, lunch included
Certificate Participants will receive a certificate at the end of the course

Program Head: Prof. Christoph Handschin