Internships for school children
To get a taste for research and have the opportunity to use their own hands, or a pipette as the case may be, and slip into the role of a scientist, is also made possible for school children by the Biozentrum. It is a mission of our institute to already inspire school-age children to become fascinated by the world of sciences.
Children have inquiring minds, an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and are tireless explorers. Often, career directions are already laid during childhood. Therefore, the Biozentrum participates in various programs for school children, enabling them to gain an insight into scientific research. In this way we want to effectively promote young talents.
The girls@science and boys@science «Schweizer Jugend forscht» study weeks provide the chance for children of 10 to 13 years of age, from around Switzerland, to gain an insight into the sciences and technology at a university or an institute of technology. At the Biozentrum, nine girls and nine boys are given the opportunity to slip into the role of a researcher. Over three days, they work in small groups hosted by three different research groups. Then, just as researchers do, they present their findings in the form of a poster in the poster presentation and in talks at the closing event to a wider audience, which includes their teachers, parents and friends. More
Pestalozzi School Camps
At the “Pestalozzi Schulcamps” 5th and 6th graders can immerse themselves in the world of science and art. First class lecturers, including Prof. Silvia Arber from the Biozentrum, take the children on a voyage of discovery. The program is aimed at primary school classes with a large number of children from migrant families, for whom the hurdle to come into contact with science and art is particularly difficult. More
Each year, during the last summer school holiday week, the Faculty of Science organizes the UniKidsCamp. For forty boys and girls from Basel and the region, not only a look behind the scenes of the University but also games, sport and fun are on the program. The children of primary school age visit various stations at about fifteen University institutions. They conduct experiments at the Biozentrum, in the Physics and Chemistry Departments and the Department of Environmental Sciences, carry out personality tests with the psychologists, role play a court case with the lawyers and visit the library. More
National Future Day
On «Nationaler Zukunftstag» - National Future Day - school children, from the 5th to 7th grade, can experience the working world. The morning program at the Biozentrum provides many exciting insights, for instance, in our body fluid, the blood, or a clearer insight into the world using light microscopy. The afternoon is reserved for the children to accompany their parents at their workplace, to learn about what they do to earn their living. More
Hands-on experience is not the aim of KinderUni for 8 to 12 year olds. Awaiting the almost 1000 participants are five exciting lectures held by professors from Basel University, presenting diverse topics such as «How does my heart work?», «Where do the colors used in art come from?» or «How is a weather forecast made?» The Biozentrum also takes part. The latest presentation was by Prof. Urs Jenal, who looked at bacteria and what they do in and on our bodies. More