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The „Gottfried Schatz“ PhD Student Prize of the Biozentrum, University of Basel

In 1980, Dr. Heide Tullberg-Reinert and Dr. Kjell Fredrik Tullberg met each other as students at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel. Their major subjects at the time were biochemistry and cell biology, and Prof. Gottfried Schatz was one of their highly valued teachers. In form of a student prize, they would now like to thank the Biozentrum, and particularly Prof. Schatz whose enthusiasm and scientific spirit had highly influenced their own scientific career.

The annual award is for an outstanding PhD thesis (carried out at the Biozentrum) in the area of “Biochemistry/Cell Biology”. The awardee will be selected by the committee members of the PhD Fellowships program based on the thesis, grade and the evaluation in the Referat and Korreferat. The prize consists of CHF 5’000 per year and will be handed out at the Biozentrum Symposium of the following year.

PhD students of the Biozentrum can apply if they have finished their thesis up to one year before the application deadline. The dissertation must describe a project with a biochemical or cell biological focus. Students should be encouraged by their supervisor to apply. 


  • A pdf file of the thesis
  • A confirmation of the grade
  • Names and contact information of the referee and co-referee
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Publication list

Applications should be submitted to the PhD Office (phd-biozentrumunibasch) by March 31st. (Dissertations from 1.1.2025 on are valid for submission for the Schatz Prize 2026)

Awardees Thesis title
2023 Zeynep Okur, Group Scheiffele “Bone Morphogenetic Proteins as regulators of cortical excitation and inhibition”
2022 Gustavo Aguilar Ortega, Group Affolter  "Engineering Drosophila development at the gene and protein levels"
2021 Elisabetta Furlanis, Group Scheiffele “Beyond gene expression: post-transcriptional mechanisms for the regulation of neuronal identity and function”
2020 Jérémie Breda, Group Zavolan “Model-driven analysis of gene expression control”
2019  Lisa Traunmüller, Group Scheiffele “Alternative splice codes for neuronal diversification and synapse specification”
2018 Sebastian Rühl, Group Broz "Effector mechanisms of non-canonical inflammasome activation." 
2017 Dominik Buser, Group Spiess “A versatile nanobody-based toolkit to analyze retrograde transport from the cell surface.”
2016 Christian Lori, Group Jenal “C-di-GMP acts as a cell cycle oscillator to drive chromosome replication”