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Structural dynamics of ordered and disordered systems

D2: Biophysics of Molecules and Cells I – 13160

(2 hrs/week; 2 CP; Spring 2025)

Roderick Lim, Sebastian Hiller

"Structural dynamics of ordered and disordered systems" - Biomolecules are highly dynamic entities that continuously move and interact in cells and tissues to create life. This lecture series covers advanced approaches for studying biomolecular dynamics in both ordered and disordered systems across a wide range of spatiotemporal scales. Topics include nuclear magnetic resonance, single molecule FRET, single molecule tracking, super resolution MINFLUX microscopy, high-speed atomic force microscopy, time-resolved electron microscopy, and time-resolved crystallography. 

The two parts of the lecture series D2 and D5 will consist of different selections from these topics, such that they can be attended independently.

Programm Spring Semester 2025