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BC2 - Basel Computational Biology Seminar Series - Fall Semester 2019

16.09.2019 | Timothy Vaughan, ETH Zürich 

Timothy Vaughan
Computational Evolution
Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering, ETH Zürich
Basel, Schweiz

Trees and Beyond! Adventures in Bayesian Phylodynamics  

Date: Monday, September 16, 2019 
Time: 16:00h 
Room:  Lounge, level E13, Klingelbergstr. 61 (vis-a-vis Pharmazentrum)
Contact: Pierre Barrat-Charlaix

23.09.2019  | Anne-Florence Bitbol, Sorbonne Université

Anne-Florence Bitbol
Laboratoire Jean Perrin, Sorbonne Université
Paris, France

Inferring interaction partners and evolutionary constraints from protein sequences  
Date: Monday, September 23, 2019 

Time: 16:00h
Room:  Lounge, level E13, Klingelbergstr. 61 (vis-a-vis Pharmazentrum)
Contact: Pierre Barrat-Charlaix

30.09.19 | Sven van Teeffelen, Institut Pasteur

Sven van Teeffelen
Laboratory of Microbial Morphogenesis and Growth, Institut Pasteur
Paris, France

Control of cell volume in rod-shaped bacteria 
Date: Monday, September 30, 2019 
Time: 16:00h 
Room: Lounge, level E13, Klingelbergstr. 61 (vis-a-vis Pharmazentrum)
Contact: Dany Chauvin 

14.10.19 | Jose Vilar, University of the Basque Country

Jose Vilar
Biofisika Institute,  University of the Basque Country
Bilbao, Spain

Inference and prediction in biological systems at the molecular, cellular, and cell-population levels
Date: Monday, October 14, 2019 
Time: 16:00h 
Room: Lounge, level E13, Klingelbergstr. 61 (vis-a-vis Pharmazentrum)
Contact: Dany Chauvin    

21.10.19 | Volker Busskamp, TU Dresden

Volker Busskamp
Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden, TU Dresden
Dresden, Germany

Revealing regulatory networks mediating human in vitro neurogenesis
Date: Monday, October 21, 2019 
Time: 16:00h 
Room: Lounge, level E13, Klingelbergstr. 61 (vis-a-vis Pharmazentrum)
Contact: Chandraday Prodhan   

28.10.19 | Christophe Dessimoz, Uni Lausanne

Christophe Dessimoz
Computational Evolutionary Biology and Genomics
Department of computational biology, University of Lausanne
Lausanne, Switzerland

Integrating genomes via fine-grained orthology
Date: Monday, October 28, 2019 
Time: 16:00h
Room: Lounge, level E13, Klingelbergstr. 61 (vis-a-vis Pharmazentrum)
Contact: Meric Ataman    

04.11.19 | Martin Weigt , Sorbonne Université 

Martin Weigt
Laboratory of Computational and Quantitative Biology
Sorbonne Université
Paris, France 

Protein sequence landscapes : from data-driven inference to evolution guided protein design
Date: Monday, November 4,  2019 
Time: 16:00h 
Room: Lounge, level E13, Klingelbergstr. 61 (vis-a-vis Pharmazentrum)
Contact: Pierre Barrat-Charlaix    

11.11.19 | Bin Tian,  Rutgers University 

Bin Tian
Department of Microbiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics 
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School 
Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
Newark, NJ, USA

Gene regulation at the 3’ end in health and disease: a systems view  
Date: Monday, November 11, 2019
Time: 16:00h 
Room: ! Biozentrum, room 104 !
Contact: Meric Ataman    

 18.11.19 | Collin Ewald, ETH Zürich

Collin Ewald
Department of Health Sciences and Technology
ETH Zürich
Zurich, Switzerland

Transcriptomic signature of longevity in C. elegans and mice

Date: Monday, November 18, 2019 
Time: 16:00h 
Room: Lounge, level E13, Klingelbergstr. 61 (vis-a-vis Pharmazentrum)
Contact: Meric Ataman    

25.11.19 | Fabian Theis, TU München

Fabian Theis
Mathematische Modellierung biologischer Systeme 
Technische Universität München
Munich, Germany

Model-based explanation of cellular response
Date: Monday, November 25, 2019 
Time: ! 16:30h !     
Room: ! Science Lounge D-BSSE, (7th floor) 
               Mattenstr. 26, 4058 Basel !
t: Meric Ataman    

09.12.19 | Matthieu Wyart, EPFL - C A N C E L L E D

Matthieu Wyart
Physics of Complex Systems Laboratory, Institute of Physics, EPFL
Lausanne, Switzerland

Architecture and co-evolution of allosteric materials 

P O S T P O N E D   T O   S P R I N G   2 0 2 0
Contact: Pierre Barrat-Charlaix    

16.12.19 | Sebastian Hörsch, NIBR - C A N C E L L E D

Sebastian Hörsch
Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research
Basel, Switzerland

Contact: Meric Ataman