Name | Position Held in Lab | Current Position |
AGUILAR Gustavo | PhD & PostDoc | |
ALBORELLI Ilaria | PhD & PostDoc | Head of Data Analysis Unit, Pathology Department, University Hospital of Basel, Switzerland |
AYDOGAN Vahap | PhD & PostDoc | QA Expert, QA Operations Release, Cell & Gene Therapy, Novartis, Basel, Switzerland |
BAER-RADERMACHER Magda | PostDoc. | Research School Coordinator, ML4Q University of Cologne, Germany |
BAO Mengjing | PostDoc | Scientist, DSM-Firmenich, Kaiseraugst, Switzerland |
BAUER Milena | PhD Student | Novartis, Basel, Switzerland |
BETZ Charles | PostDoc | Head of International Relations, Health Directorate, Luxembourg |
BIELI Dimitri | Master/PhD/PostDoc | Executive Vice President Microbiology, Mabylon AG, Switzerland |
BILLIG Rebecca | Master Student | Laboratory Technician, ETH D-BSSE, Basel, Switzerland |
BLUM Yannick | Master & PhD Student | Researcher, Institute for Cell Biology, University of Bern, Switzerland |
BORN Gordian | Master Student | Scientist, IHB Institute of Human Biology, Basel, Switzerland |
BRAUCHLE Michael | PostDoc | Lecturer, DBM Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel, Switzerland |
BRÜGGER Lukas | Master Student | |
BÜRGLIN Thomas | Guest PostDoc | Researcher, DBM Department of Biomedizin, University Hospital of Basel, Switzerland |
CABERNARD Clemens | Master & PhD Student | Associate Professor, University of Washington, Dept of Biology, Seattle, USA |
CAUSSINUS Emmanuel | PostDoc | |
CHANUT-DELANDE Hélène | PostDoc | Researcher, MCD, Centre for Integrative Biology, University Paul Sabatier Toulouse-CNRS, France |
DENES Alexandru | PostDoc | Chemistry Teacher, Berufsbildungszentrum IDM, Thun, Switzerland |
DEVAJA Liliane | Administrative Assistant | |
DOSSENBACH-MÖLLER Caroline | Master & PhD Student | Head of Regulatory Affairs & QA, SenTec, Basel, Switzerland |
EBNER Andreas | Master & PhD Student | Head of Marketing, Genedata Screener, Switzerland |
ENDERLE Leonie | PhD Student | Research Scientist, Evotec, Hamburg, Germany |
ELLERTSDOTTIR Elin | PostDoc | QC Coordinator, F.Hoffmann-La Roche, Switzerland |
FABRE Lucien | PostDoc | PostDoc, Department of Biomedizin, FG Hess, Immunobiology, University Hospital of Basel, Switzerland |
FALK Sven | Master Student | PI, Falk Lab, Insitute of Biochemistry, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany |
FERNANDES Isabelle | Guest Scientist | Configuration Manager, Akka Technologies, Toulouse, France |
GRIEDER Nicole | PhD Student | Subject Matter Expert, Sophia Genetics, Switzerland |
GROPPE Jay | PostDoc | Professor Emeritus, Baylor College of Dentistry, Texas A&M University Health Science Center, Dallas, USA |
GUNDEL Kathrin | PhD Student | Universitätsklinikum Bonn, Germany |
HADJI RASOULIHA Sheida | PhD | PostDoc, Imaging Facility, Biozentrum University of Basel, Switzerland |
HAMARATOGLU-DION Fisun | PostDoc | Ser Cymru Senior Research Fellow, School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales |
HARMANSA Stefan | PhD Student & PostDoc | Tissue Architecture & Plasticity, IBDM, CNRS & Aix University, Marseille, France |
HARTMANN Britta | PhD Student | Department Leader, Medical Genetics & Laboratory Medicine, Canton's Hospital of Aarau, Switzerland |
HERWIG Lukas | Master, PhD & PostDoc | Senior Research Scientist, FGen GmbH, Basel, Switzerland |
HEUTSCHI Daniel | Master, PhD & Lab Technician | Intern, Fachhochschule NSW, Muttenz, Switzerland |
HISANO Mizue | PostDoc | Scientific Business Consultant, Genedata, Switzerland |
HUBER Sybille | Master Student | Geistlich Pharma AG, Wolhusen, Switzerland |
JAZWINSKA Anna | PostDoc | Professor, Department of Biology Zoology, University of Fribourg, Switzerland |
JUNG Alain | PostDoc | Centre Regional de Lutte Contre le Cancer Paul Strauss, Strasbourg, France |
KANCA Oguz | PostDoc | Assistant Professor, Baylor College of Medicine, Duncan Neurological Institute, Houston, TX, USA |
KIEFER Fabrice | Master Student | Head of Global Post-Approval Operations, Actelion, Switzerland |
KRUDEWIG Alice | PhD Student | F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel, Switzerland |
KULENDRA Kumuthini | Lab Assistant | |
LEE Minkyoung | PhD Student | Postdoctoral Researcher, ETH Zürich, Switzerland |
LENARD Anna | PhD Student & PostDoc | Executive Insight Healthcare Consultants, Baar, Switzerland |
LEPETA Katarzyna | PostDoc | |
LIN Li | PhD Student | Quality Assurance Manager, Evonik Operations GmbH, Weinheim, Germany |
LÜDERS Florian | PostDoc | CSL Behring, Switzerland |
MARTY Thomas | PhD Student | Executive Director, SLSP Swiss Library Service Platform, Zürich, Switzerland |
MATSUDA Shinya | PostDoc | Assistant Professor, University of Tokyo, Japan |
MERABET Samir | PostDoc | Group Leader, "Hox & Cofactors in Development & Disease", IGFL Institut de Génetique Fonctionelle de Lyon, Lyon, France |
METZLER Mario | Master & PhD Student | Novartis Strategy Director TAx, Novartis, Basel, Switzerland |
NEUMANN Marc | Master Student | F-Hoffmann-La Roche, Kaiseraugst, Switzerland |
NINOV Nikolay | Guest Scientist | Professor, CRTD, Technical University of Dresden, Germany |
OCHOA-ESPINOSA Amanda | PostDoc | Biomedical Analyst, Department of Biomedicine, Cardiovascular Molecular Imaging, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland |
PAATERO Ilkka | PostDoc | Turku Centre for Biotechnology, University of Turku, Finland |
PERCIVAL-SMITH Anthony | Visitor | Associate Professor, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada |
PETIT Valérie | PostDoc | Subcellular Structure & Cellular Dynamics, Institut Curie, Paris, France |
PYROWOLAKIS Giorgos | PostDoc | Group Head, Developmental Biology, University of Freiburg, Germany |
RIBEIRO Carlos | Master & PhD Student | Group Head, Behavior & Metabolism, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciênca, Oeiras, Portugal |
RUBERTE Esther | PostDoc | Scientific Assistant, Medical Image Analysis Center, University of Basel, Switzerland |
ROUBINET Chantal | PostDoc | Scientific Researcher, IGDR, Rennes, France |
SAUTEUR Loïc | PhD Student & PostDoc | Researcher, Microscopy, Department of Biomedicine, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland |
SCHELLINX Niels | PhD Student | Medical Scientific Liaison. ALK, Basel, Switzerland |
SCHMELZER Etienne | Master Student/PhD Student | Data Engineer, Alloy Therapeutics, Basel, Switzerland |
SICKMANN Michèle | Master Student | Research Assistant, Instute for Virology, University of Zürich, Switzerland |
SIMON Niklas | PhD Student | Lab Manager, University Hospital of Basel, Switzerland |
SIGNER Marina | Master Student | PhD Student, Dr Gray Camp, Developmental Systems & Computational Biology, IHB Institute of Human Biology, Basel, Switzerland |
STADLER Andreas | Master Student | Product Manager, Oncology, F.Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel, Switzerland |
TEGTMEIER Christoph | Master Student | Clinical Trial Coordinator, Insel Group, Bern, Switzerland |
TSCHUDIN Fabio | Master Student | Biology Research Technician, Schule Unteres Niederamt, Olten, Switzerland |
VIGANO' Alessandra | PostDoc | |
VINCENT Stéphane | PhD Student | L'ENS de Lyon, France |
WEISS Alexander | PhD Student & PostDoc | Senior Research Scientist, Evotec AG, Hamburg, Germany |
WHARTON Kristi | Guest Scientist | Group Head, Division of Biology & Medicine, Brown University, Providence RI, USA |
WIESNER Cora | PhD Student | Product Owner, F.Hoffmann-La Roche Basel, Switzerland |
WILLI Basil | Master Student | Co-Founder, Kollektiv Eulenspiegel, Basel, Switzerland |
ZOLLINGER Barbara | Master Student | Global Trial Distribution Associate, F.Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel, Switzerland |