"The Biozentrum is an institute that has always attracted good researchers. By providing the Biozentrum PhD Fellowships program, we also have a unique tool to actively recruit outstanding, international junior scientists," says Prof. Marek Basler, Head of the PhD Fellowships Program. The fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis, however, not all ten are necessarily offered, as excellence is the crucial requirement.
The special feature of the Biozentrum PhD Fellowships is not primarily their exclusivity but rather that the students are tied neither to a research group nor to a project. Fellows have the unique opportunity to experience different research groups before deciding in which lab they want to carry out their PhD. The fellowships are therefore particularly suitable for candidates who are open to a wide range of research and want to broaden their horizons.
The program is not only a great opportunity for the fellows themselves. "In addition to the fact that it gives us outstanding students, their varied skills and knowledge in terms of research and background is also an asset to us," explains Basler.
The fellowships program was launched in 2006. Meanwhile, 95 PhD students from 30 countries − about half of them women − have completed their doctorate. There are currently 40 fellows conducting research at the Biozentrum.
Interested persons can apply until May 24, 2024 here.