Chronologie 1974 - 2009
2009 |
Prof. Michael N. Hall Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science |
Prof. Anne Spang Elected EMBO member |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz European Prize for Culture in Science by the European Foundation for Culture «Pro Europa» |
Prof. Michael N. Hall Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine |
Prof. Erich Nigg Elected Fellow of the European Academy of Cancer Sciences |
Prof. Henning Stahlberg W.M. Keck Award, USA |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Austrian Decoration for Science and Art |
2008 |
Prof. Markus Affolter Elected Member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina |
Prof. Silvia Arber Friedrich Miescher Award, Switzerland |
Prof. Stephan Grzesiek Elected Member of the Swiss National Science Foundation Research Council |
Prof. Michael N. Hall Elected Member of the Swiss National Science Foundation Research Council |
Prof. Christoph Handschin Award of the Walter and Gertrud Siegenthaler-Stiftung, Switzerland |
Prof. Roderick Lim Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Prize “From Solid State to Biophysics” |
Prof. Thomas Mrsic-Flogel ERC Starting Grant |
Prof. Henning Stahlberg Chancellor’s Fellow Award, USA |
Prof. Guy Cornelis Elected Member of the American Academy for Microbiology (AAM) |
Prof. Anna Seelig STK Award of the Swiss Society for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science |
2007 |
Prof. John Nicholls Honorary Doctorate of the University of Trieste, Italy |
2006 |
Prof. Marek Basler Best Young Microbiologist Award by the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology |
Prof. Dirk Bumann EMBO Young Investigator Award |
Prof. Christoph Dehio Pfizer Research Prize in Infection Biology |
Prof. Christoph Dehio Main Award of the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology |
Prof. Sonja Hofer Otto-Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society, Germany |
Prof. Ueli Aebi Honorary Doctorate of the Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic |
Prof. Walter Keller Lifetime Achievement Award for Science from the RNA Society |
2005 |
Prof. Silvia Arber Schellenberg Prize by the Swiss Neurological Society |
Prof. Stephan Grzesiek Laukien Prize, Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC) |
Prof. Erich Nigg Elected Member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina |
Prof. Anne Spang Walther Flemming Medal of the German Society for Cell Biology |
Prof. Silvia Arber Elected EMBO Member |
Prof. Peter Scheiffele Simons Foundation Young Investigator Award, USA |
Prof. Joachim Seelig Avanti Award in Lipids by the Biophysical Society, USA |
Prof. Max M. Burger Great Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany |
2004 |
Prof. Christoph Handschin Scientist Career Development Award by the Muscular Dystrophy Association, USA |
Prof. Erich Nigg Meyenburg Prize of Wilhelm and Maria Meyenburg Foundation, Germany |
Prof. Henning Stahlberg National Science Foundation CAREER award, USA |
Prof. Peter Scheiffele John Merck Scholar Award, USA |
Prof. Urs A. Meyer Robert Pfleger Research Award, Germany |
Prof. Urs A. Meyer R. T. Williams Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award of the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics |
Prof. Yves-Alain Barde Perl-UNC Neuroscience Prize, USA |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Feltrinelli Prize, Italy |
2003 |
Prof. Silvia Arber National Latsis Prize, Switzerland |
Prof. Michael N. Hall Cloëtta Prize for Biomedical Research |
2002 |
Prof. Jean Pieters Friedrich Miescher Award, Switzerland |
Prof. Peter Scheiffele Searle Scholar Award, USA |
Prof. Anne Spang EMBO Young Investigator grant |
Prof. Walter J. Gehring Balzan Prize, Italy/Switzerland |
2001 |
Prof. Silvia Arber EMBO Young Investigator Award 2000 |
Prof. Jean Pieters Pfizer Award |
2000 |
Prof. Christoph Dehio Postdoctoral Prize 2000 awarded by the Robert Koch Foundation, Germany |
Prof. Erich Nigg Member of the American Association for Cancer Research |
Prof. Markus Rüegg Robert Bing Prize from the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences |
Prof. Joachim Seelig Applied Physical Chemistry Award by the European Society for applied Physical Chemistry |
Prof. Walter J. Gehring Kyoto Prize, Japan |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz E. B. Wilson Medal by the American Society of Cell Biology |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Honorary Doctorate by the University of Stockholm, Sweden |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Grand Decoration of Honour in Silver for Services to the Republic of Austria |
1999 |
Prof. Markus Affolter Elected EMBO Member |
Prof. Jean Pieters Eppendorf Young Investigator Award |
Prof. Ueli Aebi Elected Member of the Academia Europaea |
1998 |
Prof. Silvia Arber Pfizer Research Prize |
Prof. Erich Nigg Elected Member of the Academia Europaea |
Prof. Guy Cornelis Elected EMBO Member |
Prof. Max M. Burger Honorary Member of the Academia Europaea |
Prof. Walter Keller Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Foreign Member Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Gairdner Foundation International Award, Toronto, Canada |
1997 |
Prof. Martin Spiess Elected EMBO Member |
Prof. Werner Arber Associate Fellow of the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) |
Prof. Max M. Burger Member of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences |
Prof. Walter J. Gehring March of Dimes Prize in Developmental Biology |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Lynen Medal, University of Miami, USA |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Foreign Member Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences |
Prof. Howard Riezman Elected EMBO Member |
1996 |
Prof. Andreas Engel Elected EMBO Member |
Prof. Werner Arber Fellow of the American Society for Microbiology |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Honorary Doctorate by the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia |
1995 |
Prof. Michael N. Hall Elected EMBO Member |
Prof. Urs Jenal Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS) |
1994 |
Prof. Christoph Dehio Otto Hahn Medal by the Max Planck Society, Germany |
Prof. Joachim Seelig Heinrich Wieland Prize, Germany |
Prof. Yves-Alain Barde Charles A. Dana Award, USA |
Prof. Yves-Alain Barde IPSEN Award, Germany |
1993 |
Prof. Erich Nigg Robert Wenner Prize for Cancer Research, Switzerland |
Prof. Guy Cornelis Elected Member of the Belgian Royal Academy of Medicine |
Prof. Ueli Aebi Elected EMBO Member |
Prof. Yves-Alain Barde Elected EMBO Member |
Prof. Walter J. Gehring Pour le Mérite for Sciences and Arts, Germany |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Foreign Associate, Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Schleiden Medal, German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina |
1992 |
Prof. Erich Nigg Friedrich Miescher Prize, Switzerland |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Marcel Benoist Prize, Switzerland |
1991 |
Prof. Erich Nigg Elected EMBO Member |
Prof. Martin Spiess Helmut Horten Incentive Prize, Switzerland |
Prof. Joachim Seelig Bijvoet Medal, Utrecht University, The Netherlands |
Prof. Urs A. Meyer Rawls-Palmer Progress in Medicine Award of the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics |
Prof. Yves-Alain Barde Ameritec Award, USA |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Austrian Cross of Honour for Science and Art, 1st class |
1990 |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine |
1989 |
Prof. Erich Nigg Award by the Huggenberger-Bischoff Foundation for Cancer Research, Switzerland |
Prof. Jean Pieters Sanofi Young Investigators Prize, France |
Prof. Werner Arber Elected Member of the Academia Europaea |
Prof. Eduard Kellenberger Honorary Doctorate by the University Regensburg, Germany |
Prof. Welter Keller Elected Member of the Academia Europaea |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) |
1988 |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Elected Member of the Academia Europaea |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Otto Warburg Medal, German Biochemical Society |
Prof. John Nicholls Fellow of the Royal Society, Great Britain |
Johan N. Jansonius Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences |
1987 |
Prof. Erich Nigg START Career Development Award of the Swiss National Science Foundation |
Prof. Joachim Seelig Cloëtta Prize, Switzerland |
Prof. Walter J. Gehring Louis Jeantet Prize |
Prof. Walter J. Gehring Gairdner Foundation International Award, Canada |
Prof. Eduard Kellenberger Honorary Doctorate by the Technical University Munich, Germany |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Foreign Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences |
1986 |
Prof. Tilman Schirmer Otto-Hahn-Medal by the Max Planck Society, Germany |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Sir Hans Krebs Medal, Federation of European Biochemical Societies |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Elected Member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina |
1985 |
Prof. Guy Cornelis Pfizer Prize |
Prof. Thomas Blickle Elected Member of the Swiss Commission for Molecular Biology |
Prof. Eduard Kellenberger Honorary Doctorate by the University Lausanne, Switzerland |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Honorary Member of the Japanese Biochemical Society |
Prof. Johan N. Jansonius Elected EMBO Member |
1984 |
Prof. Werner Arber Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences, USA |
Prof. Joachim Seelig Elected EMBO Member |
1983 |
Prof. Markus Affolter K.M. Hunter Award from the National Cancer Institute of Canada |
Prof. Peter Philippsen Elected EMBO Member |
Prof. Gottfried Schatz Emil Christian Hansen Gold Medal, Carlsberg Foundation, Denmark |
1982 |
Prof. Walter Gehring Otto Naegeli Prize |
Prof. Martin Spiess Silver Medal of the ETH, Switzerland |
Prof. Jürg P. Rosenbusch Elected EMBO Member |
1981 |
Prof. Werner Arber Elected Member of the European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities |
1980 |
Prof. Erich Nigg Medal and Prize of ETH, Switzerland |
Prof. Guy Cornelis Prize of the Belgian Royal Academy of Medicine |
Prof. Thomas Blickle Elected EMBO Member |
1978 |
Prof. Werner Arber Nobel Prize in Medicine/Physiology |
Prof. Urs A. Meyer Award of the Anita Saurer Foundation, Switzerland |
Prof. Walter Keller Elected EMBO Member |
1977 |
Prof. Jürgen Engel Elected EMBO Member |
1976 |
Prof. Erich Nigg Medal and Prize of ETH, Switzerland |
1975 |
Prof. Max M. Burger Otto Naegeli Prize, Switzerland |
Prof. Jürg P. Rosenbusch Friedrich Miescher Award |
1974 |
Prof. Urs A. Meyer Cloëtta Prize |
Prof. Max M. Burger Elected EMBO Member |
1973 |
Prof. Max M. Burger Elected EMBO Member |
1972 |
Prof. Richard M. Franklin Elected EMBO Member |
1964 |
Prof. Werner Arber Elected EMBO Member |