Postdoctoral researchers at the Biozentrum The Biozentrum is an ideal place to do a postdoc and spur your scientific career. The Biozentrum Postdoc Society has the interests of the Biozentrum's postdoctoral researchers from…
Gallery - 2020 Absolut Mango Mango Shop Hongkong Bob Ross Paint Night – March 2019 Visiting the new Biozentrum – January 2019 Visiting the new Biozentrum – January 2019 Scavenger hunting in Basel Christmas 2018 Cookie…
CV of Dr. Michael Podvinec Nationality Swiss Positions: Since 2007 Head, Research IT Technology Platform, Biozentrum, University of Basel 2003 – 2007 Postdoctoral fellow, Research Group Prof. Dr. Torsten Schwede, Swiss…
Biozentrum Intranet and Safety Lectures The Biozentrum Intranet provides all employees of the Biozentrum with efficient access to intelligently structured information and services (applications). Together with the Biozentrum…
Collaboration is our strength Since its foundation more than 50 years ago, the Biozentrum has always had two characteristic features: its international orientation and its numerous collaborations with other universities and…
CV of Prof. Dr. Markus Affolter ORCID 0000-0002-5171-0016 Nationality : Swiss Positions: Since 2005 Ordinarius, Developmental Biology, Biozentrum 2009 – 2010 Deputy Director of the Biozentrum 2000 – 2005 Assistant Professor,…
CV of Prof. Dr. Roderick Lim ORCID 0000-0001-5015-6087 Google Scholar Google Scholar Nationality: Singapore Positions: Since 2014 Argovia Professor for Nanobiology (Associate Prof.) at the Biozentrum and the Swiss…
Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr. Urs Jenal ORCID 0000-0002-1637-3376 Google Scholar Google Scholar Nationality: Swiss Positions: Since 2008 Full Professor, Biozentrum of the University of Basel 2009 – 2011 Vice-director, of the…
Prof. Dr. Clemens Cabernard 2011 − 2016 I Professor of Cell Biology Clemens Cabernard studied molecular biology at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel and graduated as a PhD in Developmental Biology under the…
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