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Annual Highlights

Biozentrum Highlights Former Biozentrum Reports Biozentrum Annual Report 2017 Biozentrum Annual Report 2016 Biozentrum Annual Report 2015 Biozentrum Annual Report 2014 Biozentrum Annual Report 2013 Biozentrum Annual Report…

PhD Fellows

PhD Fellows 2023 Aleksandr Kuznetsov Group Neher R. Biozentrum, Room: 08.Q3 aleksandr.kuznetsov unibas ch Jiangning Li 3. Rotation Group Diard M. Biozentrum, Room: 09.Q3 unibas ch Daniil Litvinov Group Schwede…


Memberships The Biozentrum Alumni offers two types of memberships: The Standard Membership and a Trial Membership for new graduates. The Biozentrum Alumni is a community of all those who have studied, carried out research,…


Welcome to the Biozentrum Alumni The Biozentrum Alumni organization is a subgroup of AlumniBasel. Its goal is to enable its alumni to continue to participate in the life of the Biozentrum, to maintain relationships with…

Alumni Day 2023

Biozentrum World Alumni Day, June 23, 2023 Dear Biozentrum Alumni, Do you ever wonder what your former Biozentrum colleagues and friends are up to? What is happening at the Biozentrum now? What does the new building look…


Fellowships and Awards Year Award Recipient(s) 2023 EMBO Membership BASLER Marek 2021 Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds PhD fellowship CHEUNG Hoi Ching 2021 Novartis FreeNovation Grant KOLESNIKOV Maxim, PLUM Miro, BASLER Marek 2020…


Our thanks to donors In recognition of the high scientific quality of its research, the Biozentrum is also generously supported by companies, private individuals and foundations who, for example, finance new research…

PhD at a Glance

PhD at a Glance Young scientists from around the world choose the Biozentrum – one of the world-leading Life Sciences institutes – to do their PhD. There are many reasons why they do so. Join us and become part of our…

Highlights 1971 - 2021

Biozentrum Highlights 1971 - 2021 1968 − Pioneering concept The potential of molecular biology was recognized early in Switzerland – in the 1960s. Due to the visionary leadership of Arnold Schneider, a member of the Cantonal…


Impressum Published by Biozentrum, University of Basel Spitalstrasse 41 CH-4056 Basel / Switzerland communications-biozentrum unibas ch Texts / Content The Biozentrum of the University of Basel is responsible for the content…