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Marek Basler newly elected EMBO member

On July 4, 2023, EMBO announced the newly elected members, including Prof. Marek Basler from the Biozentrum of the University of Basel. Including Marek Basler, a total of 33 scientists have been recognized for their…

SNSF Starting Grant for Yuping Li

With the renowned Starting Grants, the SNSF honors excellent young researchers for their innovative research and supports them in consolidating their own research program. Yuping Li is one of the top young researchers to…

Yin and Yang: Two signaling molecules control growth and behavior in bacteria

Whether they are pathogens, deep-sea microbes or soil-dwelling organisms, in order to survive, microorganisms must be able to adapt rapidly to diverse changes in their environment, including nutrient depletion. Bacteria owe…

Relocation of proteins with a new nanobody tool

The research group of Markus Affolter is investigating the growth of the wings of the fruit fly Drosophila to understand which processes control organ development and growth. Proteins that control such growth processes are…

Artificial Intelligence Tools shed light on millions of proteins

In the past years, AlphaFold has revolutionised protein science. This Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool was trained on protein data collected by life scientists for over 50 years, and is able to predict the 3D shape of…

Two new SNSF Ambizione Fellows at the Biozentrum

The Ambizione fellow Dr. Janani Durairaj , project leader in the research group of Prof. Torsten Schwede, will study the protein universe of viruses in more detail. Viruses have evolved diverse pathogenic mechanisms and…

Obituary for Prof. John G. Nicholls

The Biozentrum is mourning the death of Prof. em. John Nicholls, who passed away on July 13, 2023, at the age of 94 years. It bids farewell to a pioneer in neurobiological research and a dedicated and passionate scientist,…

Cancer research: Metabolite drives tumor development

The liver is a vital organ with many important functions in the body. It metabolizes nutrients, stores energy, regulates the blood sugar level and plays a crucial role in detoxifying and removing harmful components and…

A “Catch-22” vaccine against Salmonellosis

Antibiotics are still the treatment of choice in fighting bacterial infections. However, due to their extensive and sometimes improper use in medicine and livestock farming, resistant pathogens are increasingly emerging,…

Resistance can spread even without the use of antibiotics

Bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to common antibiotics. Often, resistance is mediated by resistance genes, which can simply jump from one bacterial population to the next. It’s a common assumption that the…