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Biozentrum Retreat: Fostering Science and Community

On August 14, 2024, the Biozentrum scientists left their labs for a three-day retreat on the Campus Sursee. Around 250 researchers from a wide variety of disciplines took the time to get to know each other and make new…

kids@science 2018 – very young researchers at the Biozentrum

Soon children's voices will fill the Biozentrum. Again this year, for the third time, school children will become young research scientists. Wearing white coats, armed with pipettes, pens and notebooks, they will eagerly…


Alumni Name Position Held in Lab Current Position AGUILAR Gustavo PhD & PostDoc ALBORELLI Ilaria PhD & PostDoc Head of Data Analysis Unit, Pathology Department, University Hospital of Basel, Switzerland AYDOGAN Vahap PhD &…

Marek Basler receives prestigious "ERC Consolidator Grant"

Since his time as a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Marek Basler has been fascinated by a tiny bacterial injection apparatus, the so-called type 6 secretion system (T6SS). This nanomachine works like…

Michael Hall awarded Sjöberg Prize 2020

The Sjöberg Prize honors scientist for pioneering research in the field of cancer research. Michael Hall, Biozentrum of the University of Basel, and Prof. David M. Sabatini, are jointly awarded for their discovery of the…

OMERO Image Data Management

IMCF OMERO Image Management System OMERO is a biological image data management system designed to support the vast amount of imaging data a scientist may work with and to provide easy ways of accessing, showing and working…


The Biozentrum, University of Basel The Biozentrum of the University of Basel is one of the leading life sciences institutes in the world. Its primary focus is on fundamental molecular and biomedical research and teaching.…

A springboard into research for Bachelor students

What is it like to work as a scientist? How does a research group work? And what questions do scientists face on a day-to-day basis while driving forward a scientific research project? The opportunity to get to the bottom of…

Women in Science Day

2023 This year, we talked to three of our dedicated female PIs at the Biozentrum about their research and ideas of how to achieve gender equality in science. Silvia Arber, Professor of Neurobiology “Follow your dreams, be…

A springboard into research for Bachelor students

What is it like to work as a scientist? How does a research group work? And what questions do scientists face on a day-to-day basis while driving forward a scientific research project? The opportunity to get to the bottom of…