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Central Electronics Workshop

Central Electronics Workshop The electronic and lab equipment in the Biozentrum are in the best hands. They are maintained and kept in good repair by the Central Electronics Workshop. At the request of the researchers, the…

Jürg Rosenbusch

Prof. Dr. Jürg Rosenbusch, Emeritus 1977 - 1998 | Professor of Microbial Biochemistry Jurg Rosenbusch was professor for microbial biochemistry at the Biozentrum from 1977 to 1998. He also was a senior scientist and program…

Gottfried Schatz

Prof. Dr. Gottfried Schatz, Emeritus 1974 - 2000 | Professor of Biochemistry Gottfried Schatz (*1936, † 2015) was formerly professor of Biochemistry at Cornell University (USA) and then at the Biozentrum from 1974 to 2000.…

Johan N. Jansonius

Prof. Dr. Johan N. Jansonius, Emeritus 1973 - 1998 | Professor of Structural Biology The chemist Johan N. Jansonius (*1932, † 2022) earned his doctorate degree in Groningen (the Netherlands) with a thesis in the field of…

Camilo Perez is a new EMBO Young Investigator

With his nomination, Prof. Camilo Perez joins a high-ranking network of 73 current and 384 former EMBO Young Investigators , who represent some of the best young scientists in Europe and beyond. Established in 2000, the EMBO…

Diversity in the brain – How millions of neurons become unique

The brain is our body’s most complex organ and consists of about 100 billion neurons. For the error-free transmission of information and for proper functioning, the different cells must be programmed in a way that they…

How brain tumors promote their own growth

Cancer cells are characterized by uncontrolled growth and cell division. A glioblastoma is a particularly aggressive form of brain tumor, which results from uncontrolled growth of so-called glial cells. Glial cells surround…

T3 Pharma: Lead product expected to enter clinical phase

“We are very pleased to be joined by two experienced and specialised investors, the Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund and Reference Capital SA. This is optimal for completing preclinical work, and for planning and conducting…

Science Prize for Sebastian Hiller

The structure of a protein reveals a lot about its function. This means, the more precisely the three-dimensional protein structure is known, the better the conclusions on its function can be drawn. Using NMR spectroscopy,…

Spread of a novel SARS-CoV-2 variant across Europe in summer 2020

In Europe alone, hundreds of different variants of the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 are currently circulating, distinguished by mutations in their genomes. However, only very few of these variants have spread as successfully…