Chronologie 1974 - 2009 2009 Prof. Michael N. Hall Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Prof. Anne Spang Elected EMBO member Prof. Gottfried Schatz European Prize for Culture in Science by the…
Interview with Alexander Kuznetsov From a medical degree in pediatrics to a Master in Bioinformatics, from industry to academia, and from Moscow, via Armenia, to Basel. Alexander Kuznetsov considers things carefully before…
Biozentrum Highlights 1971 - 2021 1968 − Pioneering concept The potential of molecular biology was recognized early in Switzerland – in the 1960s. Due to the visionary leadership of Arnold Schneider, a member of the Cantonal…
Did the development of an artificial intelligence (AI) tool like ChatGPT surprise you personally? I think we were all surprised by the rapid pace of this development and above all by the quality and versatility of this chat…
Einblicke Biozentrum «Einblicke Biozentrum» Scientists from the Biozentrum invite all interested persons to learn about their latest research. The lecture series takes the visitors on a journey into the world of muscles,…
Publication list - curated & annotated Recent highlights Bacteria use a general danger signal to trigger biofilm formation - Nature Microbiology 2025 Mechanical properties of biofilms measured with spatial resolution -…
The jury recognizes Prof. Spang’s rigorous pursuit of knowledge and novel discoveries regarding the compartmentalization of cellular organelles, proteins, and mRNA. They also greatly appreciated her ambition to study these…
Today, the BBVA Foundation announced that Prof. Michael Hall from the Biozentrum of the University of Basel and Prof. David Sabatini from the MIT, USA, have been awarded the Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the category…
May 15th, 2020, marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Prof. Eduard Kellenberger. The physicist has not only gone down in the history and textbooks as a pioneer of electron microscopy but also as an early representative…
Throughout our body there is a dense, widely ramified network of blood vessels. It is estimated to be about 150,000 kilometers in length. The vessels supply all cells, even those in most far away regions of the body with…
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