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A springboard into research for Bachelor students

What is it like to work as a scientist? How does a research group work? And what questions do scientists face on a day-to-day basis while driving forward a scientific research project? The opportunity to get to the bottom of…

Biozentrum Highlights 2022

After more than two years of the Covid pandemic, research and life at the Biozentrum have largely returned to normal. This extraordinary time has taught us that much can be replaced by virtual formats, but face-to-face…


Memberships The Biozentrum Alumni offers two types of memberships: The Standard Membership and a Trial Membership for new graduates. The Biozentrum Alumni is a community of all those who have studied, carried out research,…

New insights into blood vessel formation

Blood vessels run throughout the entire body, delivering nutrients and oxygen through the circulating blood. During vessel formation, cells first form local lumens, which then fuse to form a continuous tubular network. The…


Communications Communications at the Biozentrum informs the general public and the representatives of academia, industry and politics about the latest research at the Biozentrum, through press releases and the Internet, as…

Curriculum Vitae

CV of Dr. Oliver Biehlmaier ORCID 0000-0003-0825-8500 LinkedIn BiehlmaierO Nationality : Swiss & German Positions: Since 2011 Head of the Imaging Core Facility at the Biozentrum of the University Basel, Switzerland 2008 –…

Fiona Doetsch receives prestigious ERC research grant

As a Professor of Molecular Stem Cell Biology, Fiona Doetsch from the Biozentrum, University of Basel, bridges the world of stem cells and the world of neuroscience. In the funded ERC research project, Doetsch and her team…

Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard

Against the current November 2013 High over the roofs of Tübingen, at the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, is where Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard carries out research. In 1995, she was awarded the highest…

Hall of fame

Name Achievements Position and Years Elia Agustoni Resolved the dynamic activation mechanism of a hybrid histidine kinase Best Talk, 35 th Rhine-Knee Regional Meeting on Structural Biology 2022 PhD Thesis 2023 Postdoctoral…


Alumni Year Name Position 1987 FRIED Sharon Technician 1990 SCHLUP Verena Technician FEUCHT Sybille Student HEITMAN Joseph Postdoc 1991 MORTIMER Robert Sabbatical 1992 HENRIQUEZ Ruben Postdoc UNGEWISS Kathrin Diploma Student…