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Biozentrum Discovery Seminars

Biozentrum Discovery (BZD) is a seminar series, which alternates between talks by renowned guest speakers and seminars given by graduate students and postdocs from the Biozentrum.

The seminars usually take place on Fridays at 11:15 - 12:15

September 13, 2024 (lecture hall U1.131)
"Dissecting the ecology and evolution of gut microbial communities"

Guest speaker: Prof. KC Huang
Stanford University, USA
Host: Urs Jenal

Huang's team employs diverse interdisciplinary methods to understand the relationships among cell shape detection, determination, and maintenance in bacteria. 

September 24, 2024 (TUESDAY 11:15 pm; U1.101)
"Purisome: assembly mechanism and interplay with mitochondria"

Guest speaker: Ruey-Hwa Chen
Academia Sinicia, Taiwan
Host: Anne Spang

Her research focuses on the role of protein degradation and exosomal secretion in controlling cancer cell signaling and tumor immune microenvironment.

September 27, 2024 (lecture hall U1.131)
"What's New at the PCF"
Alex Schmidt (Proteomics Core Facility)

Haiyan Zhang (group Jean Pieters)

October 18, 2024 (lecture hall U1.131)

Guest speaker: Prof. Vivek Malhotra
Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CRG), Barcelona, Spain
Host: Mike Hall

Malhotra and his team want to understand the mechanism by which eukaryotic cells model membranes to generate transport carriers based on their needs. 

October 25, 2024 (lecture hall U1.131)
Kerstin Dörner (group Maria Hondele)

Yinan Wan (group Alex Schier)

November 15, 2024 (lecture hall U1.131)

Guest speaker:  Prof. Erika Holzbaur
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Host: Anne Spang

The Holzbaur lab is focused on understanding the dynamics of intracellular motility in neurons. 

November 22, 2024 (lecture hall U1.131)

Guest speaker:  Dr. James Lightfoot
Max Planck Institute for the Neurobiology of Behaviour, Bonn, Germany
Host: Susan Mango

The Lightfoot lab explores the divergent behaviours observed between the free-living round worms, C. elegans and P. pacificus.

December 6, 2024 (lecture hall U1.131)
Susanne Falkner (group Peter Scheiffele)

Eva Jiménez Siebert (group Knut Drescher)

December 20, 2024 (lecture hall U1.131)

Guest speaker:  Prof. Petr Broz
University of Lausanne
Host: Maren Ketterer (Postdoc group Dehio)

Broz' research focuses on host defense mechanisms, inflammasomes and the induction of pyroptosis, a lytic, inflammatory cell death. 

January 10, 2025 (lecture hall U1.131)

Guest speaker:  Prof. Maria Cristina Gambetta
University of Lausanne
Host: Susan Mango

Her team aims to understand the molecular basis of gene regulation specificity in Drosophila using genetics, genomics, biochemistry and live-imaging tools.

January 31, 2025 (lecture hall U1.131)

Guest speaker:  Prof. Raphael Gottardo
CHUV Lausanne University Hospital
Host: Oliver Biehlmaier/Fiona Doetsch

His group focuses on developing novel computational tools, statistical methods and machine learning algorithms for the analysis of high-throughput and high-dimensional datasets.

February 14, 2025 (lecture hall U1.131)

Guest speaker: Prof. Asya Rolls
Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Host: Flavio Donato

Rolls focus her research on specific neuronal networks in the brain, e.g. the reward system, and on general changes in brain activity and analyze their effects on immune activity.

February 21, 2025 (lecture hall U1.131)

Guest speaker: Prof. Andreas Plückthun
department of Biochemistry, University of Zurich
Host: Laetitia Rozic

Plückthun's research focuses on protein engineering and directed evolution, especially of antibodies, engineered binding molecules and membrane proteins.

April 4, 2025 (lecture hall U1.131)

Guest speaker: Prof. Ruth Ley
Max Planck Institute for Biology, Tübingen, Germany
Host: Marek Basler

Ley is interested in the co-evolution of humans with their microbiomes. Her lab studies the evolutionary history of gut microbes and how they affect human biology and health.

May 23, 2025 (lecture hall U1.131)

Guest speaker: Dr. Ana-Maria Lennon Dumenil
Institut Curie, Paris, France
Host: Jean Pieters

Her team aims at deciphering the fundamental molecular and cell biological mechanisms that enables immune cells to efficiently fulfil their functions.

June 13, 2025 (lecture hall U1.131)

Guest speaker: Prof. Martin Beck
Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Frankfurt a. Main, Germany
Host: Rod Lim

The Beck lab studies how molecular modules act in concert to generate complex cellular functions.

June 20, 2025 (lecture hall U1.131)

Guest speaker: Prof. Elizabeth Villa
University of California San Diego and HHMI
Host: Ben Engel

Villa's team is interested in revealing the structure and function of macromolecular complexes in their natural environment at the highest possible resolution.

August 29, 2025 (lecture hall U1.131)

Guest speaker: Prof. Richard Benton
University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Host: Anissa Kempf

His group is interested in the structure, function and evolution of nervous systems with a focus on the olfactory system, which mediates recognition of myriad environmental signals to control diverse behaviours.

September 5, 2025 (lecture hall U1.131)

Guest speaker: Prof. Wallace Marshall
University of California, San Francisco, USA
Host: Ben Engel

His main focus is on how geometry arises within cells, as well as how cells perform computations and behaviors.