Video SRF broadcast Einstein, April 25, 2019 "The truth behind movement - why sport is so important" With a contribution by Prof. Christoph Handschin, Biozentrum, University of Basel The SRF broadcast Einstein explored…
The ERC Consolidator Grants are intended to support projects of highly qualified scientists that push the frontiers of human knowledge. On March 17, 2022, the ERC announced the 313 laureates of the 2021 ERC Consolidator…
Biozentrum Discovery Seminars Biozentrum Discovery (BZD) is a seminar series, which alternates between talks by renowned guest speakers and seminars given by graduate students and postdocs from the Biozentrum. The seminars…
The Team Prof. Markus Rüegg, PhD, CEO and Member of the Board Training in biochemistry and neurosciences Proven track record in neuromuscular research Full Professor for neurobiology Thomas Meier, PhD Chairman of the Board…
182 applications were evaluated by the SNSF Scientific Steering Committee as part of the call for the “SNSF Consolidator Grants 2022”. In this competitive application process, a total of 30 highly qualified scientists and…
From fingers on our hands to the wings of insects, the bodies of different animals form limbs of various shapes and sizes. Morphogens are signaling molecules that provide the necessary information for the proper development…
The opening of the new Swiss High-field NMR Facility was attended by high-ranking representatives of the three participating universities, invited guests from academia and industry along with scientists working in the fields…
Research Fields Research at the Biozentrum is dedicated to the central question of how molecules and cells create life. We study the physical and biochemical mechanisms of cells and explore the behaviors and dynamics of…
Testimonial Nina Beutling University of Basel, Research Group Attila Becskei Why did you apply for the Biozentrum Research Summer? Studying biology is my second course of studies. I am a primary school teacher and still…
On a peace mission: From NBC protection to arms control May 2020 Whether anthrax, smallpox, Ebola, Hanta or coronaviruses – none of these are exotic to the Biozentrum alumnus Max Brackmann. He works as a postdoc at the Spiez…
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