Like human beings, every cell in our body tries to ward off death as long as it can. This is particular true for a specific type of immune cells, called T-lymphocytes, or T cells for short. These cells keep viruses,…
The WHO calls the creeping and rapidly growing number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria a “silent pandemic”. The crisis is aggravated by the fact that hardly any new drugs have come onto the market in recent decades. Even…
Many bacteria adopt a fascinating defense strategy by forming communities on surfaces, known as biofilms. We encounter such biofilms in our daily lives, for example, as dental plaque in the mouth, slimy films on stones in…
State-of-the-art infrastructure for leading-edge research In 2021, the Biozentrum moved into its new home to continue fostering its world class research. The “Beacon of Science” houses 400 researchers from around the world…
Meet neurobiologist Prof. Silvia Arber You have been active in research for decades. Has the importance of gender equality changed during your career? Yes, significantly more attention is given to it today than when I…
Meet sleep scientist Prof. Anissa Kempf Do gender issues play a role in your team? Yes, gender equality plays an important role in my team. Gender diversity is key to create a fair and productive work environment. How can we…
Speaking from the soapbox November 2014 Brisk and sometimes bracing walks from his flat to and from the Biozentrum - this is the first thing that comes to mind to the famous Californian. In the early 1980ies the Nobel Prize…
Exploring new horizons November 2016 Christian Sengstag had never imagined that he would one day do anything other than research. But then he was presented with a fait accompli: His research institute was to be closed down.…
Earlier this year, the WHO published a list of twelve of the world’s most dangerous bacterial pathogens that are resistant to multiple antibiotics and pose a grave threat to human health. This list includes Pseudomonas…
Even the mundane act of walking requires complex movements such as postural changes and the coordination of all four limbs. Scientists have known that the mesencephalic locomotor region, which is part of the midbrain, is…
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