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Christoph Moroni

Prof. Dr. Christoph Moroni, Emeritus 1987 - 2008 | Professor of Medical Microbiology Christoph Moroni was a guest professor in the Department of Biochemistry at the Biozentrum. Between 1987 and 2008 he was the director of…

MSc in Physics of Life

Master of Science in Physics of Life The Master's degree program in Physics of Life at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel provides training in cutting-edge research at the interface of physics, mathematics,…

Charles Thompson

Prof. Dr. Charles Thompson 1993 – 2004 | Professor of Microbiology Charles J. Thompson studied at the Washington and Lee University and earned his doctorate at the Pennsylvania State University in 1976. Afterwards he carried…

Petr Broz

Prof. Dr. Petr Broz 2013 − 2017 I Professor of Infection Biology Petr Broz studied molecular biology at the University of Basel and completed his PhD under supervision of Prof. em. Guy Cornelis. He subsequently worked for…

Kelly Tan

Prof. Dr. Kelly Tan 2014 – 2021 | Professor of Neurobiology Kelly Tan studied biology at the University of Bordeaux II Victor Segalen in France. She earned her PhD at the University of Bern in 2007, subsequently she moved to…

Gerhard Schwarz

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schwarz, Emeritus 1971 - 2000 | Professor of Biophysical Chemistry The physicist Gerhard Schwarz (*1930, †2015) studied and completed his doctorate in Göttingen. He subsequently moved as a postdoc to the…

Kasper Kirschner

Prof. Dr. Kasper Kirschner, Emeritus 1971 - 1999 | Professor of Biophysical Chemistry Kasper Kirschner († 2013) grew up in Indonesia and studied biochemistry at the University of Munich. He earned his doctorate under the…

Walter Keller

Prof. Dr. Walter Keller, Emeritus 1987 - 2008 | Professor of Cell Biology Walter Keller (*1938, † 2023) has been professor of cell biology at the Biozentrum from 1987 to 2008 and its chairman from 1995 to 1997. His research…

Walter J. Gehring

Prof. Dr. Walter J. Gehring, Emeritus 1972 - 2009 | Professor of Developmental Biology and Genetics As professor of Developmental Biology and Genetics, Walter J. Gehring (*1939, † 2014) was active in both research and…

Ueli Aebi

Prof. Dr. Ueli Aebi, Emeritus 1986 – 2011 | Professor of Structural Biology Ueli Aebi was professor of Structural Biology at the Biozentrum from 1986 to 2011. He was the director of the Maurice E. Müller Institute for…