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Werner Arber

Prof. Dr. Werner Arber, Emeritus 1971 – 1996 | Professor of Molecular Microbiology As professor of Molecular Biology from 1971 to 1996, Werner Arber was one of the founding professors, active in research and teaching at the…

Serej Ley

Terra incognita. November 2017 One can hardly imagine a more exotic place to do a doctorate. Serej Ley spent four years in Papua New Guinea studying tuberculosis and experienced things that most of us only know from books or…

Marek Basler awarded EMBO Gold Medal 2018

Prof. Marek Basler at the Biozentrum, University Basel, has been awarded the 2018 EMBO Gold Medal jointly with Dr. Melina Schuh from the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, Germany. The infection…

Adipose tissue as a culprit: How obesity leads to diabetes

Diabetes is a medical condition in which the body is unable to keep blood sugar in a healthy range. Normally, the pancreas produces sufficient insulin to regulate the blood sugar level and maintain homeostasis. However, in…

Biozentrum spin-off ARTIDIS announces successful clinical trial

ARTIDIS AG announced the successful completion of its clinical study “NANO”, which was performed to evaluate the utility and the sensitivity of a nanomechanical biomarker, developed by ARTIDIS, for breast cancer diagnosis.…

Mike Hall awarded the 2019 Charles Rodolphe Brupbacher Award for Cancer Research

With this award, the Charles Rodolphe Brupbacher Foundation honors Prof. Michael N. Hall's outstanding basic research which led to the discovery of the protein Target of Rapamycin, or TOR for short. TOR controls cell growth…

T3 Pharmaceuticals awarded highest endowed startup prize

T3 Pharmaceuticals is one of top five startup companies selected by the W.A. de Vigier Foundation. The winning companies were selected from a record number of 256 applications in a multi-step process. At the award ceremony…

Biozentrum Lecture: Small blood vessels – big secrets

In the upcoming Biozentrum Lecture, Prof. Christer Betsholtz from the University of Uppsala and the “Karolinska Institutet Stockholm” will talk about the challenges of identifying and characterizing a very inhomogeneous cell…

Anatole Abragam Prize for Prof. Björn Burmann

On July 23, 2017, Prof. Björn Burmann, a recent member of the Biozentrum, University of Basel, has received the Anatole Abragam Prize at the ISMAR Conference 2017 in Canada, together with Dr. Loren Andreas from the Max…

Very first “Summer Science Academy” for high school students

For the high school students in Basel, July is Summer Holiday time. But instead of chilling and swimming in the Rhine, sixteen selected gymnasium students will discover who and what frolics about in the river during their…