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Therapy for muscular dystrophy: A new start-up at the Biozentrum

Congenital muscular dystrophy is a rare hereditary disease which cannot be cured. The more than 30 known forms of this neuromuscular disease differ in the type of genetic defect and in the severity of disease progression.…

Biozentrum Highlights: 2021 in Review

The past year was in every respect exceptional for the Biozentrum. And so it happened that “the move” coincided with the 50th Jubilee. The kick-off was the official handover of the new building to the University of Basel. In…

Biozentrum Research Summer

Biozentrum Research Summer The Biozentrum offers undergraduate students from across Europe a unique opportunity to immerse in real-life science projects. During the “Biozentrum Research Summer” you will spend seven to nine…

Biozentrum Discovery Seminar Series

Biozentrum Discovery Seminars Biozentrum Discovery (BZD) is a seminar series, which alternates between talks by renowned guest speakers and seminars given by graduate students and postdocs from the Biozentrum. Since its…

Sacha Glardon

When biology becomes a life’s passion December 2020 He cherishes Walter Gehring’s Drosophila strains, an old PCR machine from the Biozentrum, his love for the Basel “Fasnacht” and a key to one of Basel’s old city gates, the…

"AntiResist": Biozentrum heads a new National Center of Competence in Research for antibiotics and antibiotic resistance

The objectives of the National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) "AntiResist" are to search for new antibiotics and to develop alternative strategies to combat antibiotic-resistant pathogens. "AntiResist" is one of a…

Highlights 1971 - 2021

Biozentrum Highlights 1971 - 2021 1968 − Pioneering concept The potential of molecular biology was recognized early in Switzerland – in the 1960s. Due to the visionary leadership of Arnold Schneider, a member of the Cantonal…

Alumni Awards & Honors

Alumni Awards & Honors Abbreviations: AAAS = American Association for the Advancement of Science / AMACAD = American Academy of Arts and Sciences / EMBO = European Molecular Biology Organisation / Leopoldina = German Academy…

Einblicke Biozentrum

Einblicke Biozentrum «Einblicke Biozentrum» Scientists from the Biozentrum invite all interested persons to learn about their latest research. The lecture series takes the visitors on a journey into the world of muscles,…

Research Group Alex Schier

Vertebrate Development and Behavior → Schierlab Although scientific knowledge has advanced enormously in the last thirty years, we still only superficially understand how a single fertilized egg cell develops to form a…