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Hall of fame
Name | Position | Moved to |
Pauline Crausaz | MSc student | SDS Schweiz |
Kazuki Nosho | Postdoc | Assistant Professor, University of Tokyo |
Takuya Ohmura | Postdoc | Assistant Professor, Hokkaido University |
Martina Bläsi | MSc student | Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel |
Hannah Jeckel | PhD student | CalTech |
Lucia Vidakovic | PhD student | BioNTech |
Miriam Bayer | PhD student | Stratec Austria |
Henriette Lyng Røder | Postdoc | Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen |
Francisco Díaz-Pascual | PhD student | GSK - GlaxoSmithKline |
Sanika Vaidya | PhD student | Antimicrobial Discovery Center, Northeastern University |
Praveen K. Singh | Postdoc | RWTH Aachen |
Alena Seuser | MSc student | Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology |
Eric Jelli | PhD student | Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior |
Violina Potlog | MSc student | Explora Biotech |
Keerthana Raveendran | MSc student | Max Delbrück Center, Berlin |
Sven Brieden | MSc student | Swisscom/Cividi |
Pauline Buffard | MSc student | Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology |
Raimo Hartmann | Postdoc | Philips Research Germany |
Carey Nadell | Postdoc | Assistant Professor, Dartmouth College |
Stoyan Yordanov | Postdoc | Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research |
Sabina Bartalomej | MSc student | Merck |
Verena Kosfeld | MSc student | Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology IME |