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Not too young to be a researcher - kids@science at the Biozentrum

The kids@science study week at the University of Basel, introduced in 2008, is very popular among the young researchers. This year, some 120 school children have applied to participate. At the end of January, 81 will receive…

First Biozentrum Retreat

On 22 June 2022, the scientists of the Biozentrum left their labs and seminar rooms for a three-day retreat on the Sursee campus. Around 300 researchers from a wide variety of disciplines took the time to get to know each…

Pradel Research Award 2018 for Silvia Arber

Silvia Arber, one of the world’s most prominent neurobiologists, is a leading figure in the study of neuronal circuitry controlling motor behavior. Her research on the assembly, structure and function of motor circuits has…

Biozentrum PhD Fellowships: Application deadline December 15

"The Biozentrum is an institute that has always attracted good researchers. However, with the Biozentrum PhD Fellowships program, we have a unique tool to also actively recruit outstanding, international junior scientist,"…

Obituary for Max Burger

Born in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1933, Max Burger studied medicine at the University of Zurich. After practicing medicine for several years, he moved his focus to basic research and graduated in biochemistry at Washington…

Inspiring Biozentrum Symposium 2020

The Biozentrum organizes a symposium for its employees and students annually. This provides an insight into other areas of research, as well as an overview of the many projects being carried out. Furthermore, the symposium…

A3: New Approaches to Tackle Antibiotic Resistance

A3: New Approaches to Tackle Antibiotic Resistance – 14466 (1 hr/week; 1 CP; Fall 2024) Urs Jena l , Marek Basler, Dirk Bumann, Christoph Dehio, Médéric Diard, Knut Drescher This lecture series was redesigned in the scope of…


CV of Prof. Dr. Knut Drescher ORCID 0000-0002-7340-2444 Google Scholar Google Scholar Positions: Since 2021 Associate Professor at the Biozentrum 2015 - 2021 Professor of Biophysics, Philipps-Universität Marburg 2014 - 2021…

Join the lab

Research is a team effort! Lab retreat in June 2023. Interested in joining the Drescher group? Our research group focuses on understanding bacterial multicellular development and functions. We use methods from physics,…

ERC Advanced Grant for Silvia Arber

The goal of the ERC Advanced Grants is to support established, leading principal investigators to pursue a groundbreaking and high-risk project. As all ERC grants, they are in high demand and therefore very competitive. This…