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Tag der offenen Tür

Tag der offenen Tür 2022 Einblick mit Ausblick − am 17. September 2022 laden wir Forschungsinteressierte, Familien, Studierende, Ehemalige und die breite Öffentlichkeit herzlich dazu ein, uns von 10.00 bis 17.00 Uhr in…

Eduard Kellenberger

Prof. Dr. Eduard Kellenberger, Emeritus 1971 – 1990 | Professor of Microbiology The physicist and molecular biologist Eduard Kellenberger (*1920, † 2004) was one of the founding fathers of the Biozentrum in 1971. He…

Events & Courses

Events & Courses For every kind of event, not only beamers, laptops, microphones and other accessories such as a flip chart, whiteboard, laser pointer or visualiser are available; at hand is also a lecture hall technician,…

Dirk Bumann elected as member of Leopoldina

The German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina recognizes Prof. Dirk Bumann from the Biozentrum, University of Basel, for his outstanding scientific achievements in the field of infection biology. This year, Leopoldina…

Start of “Biozentrum Research Summer” for Bachelor students

What questions arise in day-to-day scientific research? What is it like to work as a scientist? And how does a research group work? The opportunity to get to the bottom of these questions, to actively participate in everyday…

Randy Schekman receives honorary doctorate from the University of Basel

Each year at the Dies academicus, the University of Basel awards honorary doctorates to deserving personalities from academia and society. On 29 November 2019, Prof. Randy Schekman was given the title of “Doctor honoris…


CV of Prof. Dr. Alex Schier ORCID 0000-0001-7645-5325 Google Scholar Google Scholar Nationality : Swiss/US Positions: Since 2018 Director of the Biozentrum, University of Basel 2014 – 2017 Chair of the Department of…


CV of Prof. Dr. Christoph Dehio ORCID 0000-0001-7288-1052 Nationality : German Positions: Since 2012 Full Professor of Molecular Microbiology, Biozentrum, University of Basel 2004 – 2011 Associate Professor of Molecular…

Irena and Björn Burmann

She says, he says: With kit and caboodle to Sweden February 2024 Both are researchers at the University of Gothenburg: he is a professor; she is a senior scientist. They both once worked at the Biozentrum and are a couple.…

Two SNSF Ambizione Fellowships for the Biozentrum

Alexander Harms, project leader in Urs Jenal's group, is one of the two SNSF Ambizione Fellows. He studied at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel and earned his PhD in the group of Prof. Christoph Dehio. In 2015, the…