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Virtual Biozentrum Symposium 2021

The restrictions resulting from the ongoing coronavirus pandemic impact each of us in our daily work. But the crisis also sparks resourcefulness. The Biozentrum Symposium, for example, was completely re-designed and moved to…

Awards for Biozentrum junior researchers

Young scientists make a major contribution to research: They are the foundation, innovative force and future of universities and research institutions. Almost half of the staff at the Biozentrum are PhD students and…

Nanocontainers introduced into the nucleus of living cells

In order to combat diseases, different therapies strive to intervene in pathological processes that occur in the cell nucleus. Chemotherapies, for example, target biochemical reactions that are involved in the proliferation…

Architecture of cellular control center mTORC2 elucidated

The protein complex mTORC2 plays a crucial role in the regulation of cellular metabolism. It stimulates, for example, the production of lipids and fatty acids, but it also controls carbohydrate metabolism. In the past,…

How does Parkinson's disease develop? Study raises doubts on a previous theory of Parkinson’s disease

The arms and legs tremble incessantly, the muscles become weaker and the movements slower − these are typical symptoms that many Parkinson's patients suffer from. More than six million people are affected worldwide. In these…


CV of Prof. Dr. Torsten Schwede ORCID 0000-0003-2715-335X Google Scholar Google Scholar Nationality : German, Swiss Positions: Since 2018 Professor for Structural Bioinformatics, Biozentrum, University of Basel Since 2025…

Protective shield: How pathogens withstand acidic environments in the body

Each year, thousands of patients in Swiss hospitals become infected with dangerous pathogens that can hardly be controlled with antibiotics. The methicillin-resistant bacterium Staphylococcus aureus , MRSA for short, is…

Engineered T cells promote long-term organ transplant acceptance

When someone is confronted with ‘foreign’ material, be it viruses, bacteria, fungi, but also donor organs following transplantation, immune cells called T cells come into action to inactivate and destroy the ”foreign”…

Lethal combination: Drug cocktail turns off the “juice” to cancer cells

The widely used anti-diabetes drug metformin not only reduces blood sugar but also has an anti-cancer effect. However, the metformin dose commonly used in the treatment of diabetes is too low to inhibit cancer growth. The…

Like a zipper – How cells form new blood vessels

The blood vessels form a widely ramified supply system that passes through our body from head to toe. They serve as pathways for blood cells and transport oxygen as well as nutrients into each individual organ. In the…