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Module: Elective courses

In the module “Electives” (“Wahlbereich”) 12 CP have to be acquired in courses that are part of the Faculty of Science master degree programs. Of these 12 CP, at least 6 CP must be acquired in courses that are part of the degree program MSc in Molecular Biology. 

The choice of courses in the elective area is arranged in consultation with your advisor from the teaching committee. The choice of courses should deepen your knowledge in the field of the two research projects and the master's thesis. 

  • The current list of offered courses can be found in the course catalogue:
  • Lectures from all Master Programs at the Faculty of Science: Course directory Select Faculty of Science -> Master of interest , download course catalogue or select folders to see courses offered
  • Lectures from the MSc in Molecular Biology Program: Course directory Select Faculty of Science -> Master's Studies: Molecular Biology  -> download course catalogue or select folders to see courses offered 

Further Information and Documents