For about one hundred years it has been known that nutrient restriction and moderate stress can significantly prolong life. The researchers led by Prof. Mihaela Zavolan and Prof. Anne Spang, both at the Biozentrum of the…
In recent years, the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance has become widely recognized. However, much less is known about drug-tolerant pathogens, which also complicate the treatment of bacterial infections. These…
If a cell encounters a stress situation, whether it is due to nutrient restriction or osmotic shock, the cell reacts immediately to ensure its survival. Prof. Anne Spang’s research group at the Biozentrum of the University…
Whether they are pathogens, deep-sea microbes or soil-dwelling organisms, in order to survive, microorganisms must be able to adapt rapidly to diverse changes in their environment, including nutrient depletion. Bacteria owe…
Diatoms are too small to see with the naked eye, yet they are one of the most productive algae species in the ocean and play an important role in the global carbon cycle. Using photosynthesis, they absorb large amounts of…
The liver is a vital organ with many important functions in the body. It metabolizes nutrients, stores energy, regulates the blood sugar level and plays a crucial role in detoxifying and removing harmful components and…
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem has awarded an honorary doctorate to Prof. Michael N. Hall in recognition of his extraordinary scientific achievements, in particular, of his discovery of the protein kinase TOR and the…
The Sjöberg Prize honors scientist for pioneering research in the field of cancer research. Michael Hall, Biozentrum of the University of Basel, and Prof. David M. Sabatini, are jointly awarded for their discovery of the…
Today, the BBVA Foundation announced that Prof. Michael Hall from the Biozentrum of the University of Basel and Prof. David Sabatini from the MIT, USA, have been awarded the Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the category…
The widely used anti-diabetes drug metformin not only reduces blood sugar but also has an anti-cancer effect. However, the metformin dose commonly used in the treatment of diabetes is too low to inhibit cancer growth. The…
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