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Instruments & Services

Instruments & Services Welcome to the Biozentrum FACS Core Facility. We provide state-of-the-art flow cytometry instruments and support the users in their analysis and sorting needs. We offer scientific advice and customized…


RIF Equipment All researcher affiliated to a research group of the Biozentrum may obtain access and training, and become independent users of the instruments listed below. Please ask for access to our booking system and…

Artan Ademi

Interview with Artan Ademi Getting to the bottom of things is something he has always loved doing. That is why Artan Ademi was drawn to basic research and to the Biozentrum. Now he is doing a Masters in Cell and…

Gottfried Eisner

Always on duty for the environment December 2018 Springtails, earthworms, midges, zebrafish, bees and bacteria – they all have an important job at Innovative Environmental Services (IES) Ltd. With their help, the company can…

Catherine Brun

Leaving the comfort zone November 2019 Leaving your own comfort zone can sometimes be quite daunting but above all it is one thing, enriching and in any case a chance to try something completely new. Catherine Brun speaks…

Thomas Müller

Getting the point in science. May 2014 “Shhhh. It’s news time!” – That’s what children used to hear at lunch time. This family tradition has been lost over the years. But not so the broadcast of the Swiss Radio main news at…

Thomas Meier

No Plan B! December 2015 Throwing in the towel has never crossed his mind, despite some severe setbacks. A failure is not the end of the world. And so Santhera CEO Thomas Meier has never had a plan B tucked away at the back…

HR & Finances

HR & Finances The University of Basel places great value on offering its employees motivating and transparent employment conditions and providing an environment in which development and a high level of flexibility is…


CV of Prof. Dr. Anne Spang ORCID 0000-0002-2387-6203 Google Scholar Google Scholar Nationality : Swiss, German Positions: Since 2005 Professor at the Biozentrum 1999 – 2006 Independent Group leader at the Friedrich Miescher…


CV of Prof. Dr. Susan Mango ORCID 0000-0002-2146-3237 Nationality : USA Positions: Since 2019 Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, Biozentrum, University of Basel, Switzerland 2009 - 2019 Professor, Dept. of…