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Virtual Biozentrum Symposium 2021

The restrictions resulting from the ongoing coronavirus pandemic impact each of us in our daily work. But the crisis also sparks resourcefulness. The Biozentrum Symposium, for example, was completely re-designed and moved to…

1st Edition of the Biozentrum/Roche Innovation Symposium

This event brings together researchers from the Biozentrum and the Roche Division “Pharmaceutical Research and Early Development” (pRED) and provides them with a platform for scientific exchange, to explore new collaboration…

Inspiring Biozentrum Symposium 2020

The Biozentrum organizes a symposium for its employees and students annually. This provides an insight into other areas of research, as well as an overview of the many projects being carried out. Furthermore, the symposium…


CV of Prof. Dr. Alex Schier ORCID 0000-0001-7645-5325 Google Scholar Google Scholar Nationality : Swiss/US Positions: Since 2018 Director of the Biozentrum, University of Basel 2014 – 2017 Chair of the Department of…

Handover of the new Biozentrum building to the University of Basel

Press release of the cantons of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft The governments of the cantons of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft, represented by Conradin Cramer, Hans-Peter Wessels, Monica Gschwind and Isaac Reber, handed…

Official opening of the new Biozentrum building

The Biozentrum is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2021. To properly mark the occasion, the 73-meter-high new building was dedicated on Tuesday. Eight years after breaking ground and right on time for the beginning of the…

Continued funding for Allen Discovery Center

How does a complex organism with a large number of different cells develop from a single cell? What are the common ancestors of the individual cells and how are they related to each other? What are the signals that drive the…

From World Alumni Day to Kunstmuseum Basel – Highlights 2023

2023 was a year of significant scientific discoveries and exciting community activities. A major highlight was our first World Alumni Day, celebrating our global community and renewing as well as fostering connections. More…

Biozentrum Discovery Seminar Series

Biozentrum Discovery Seminars Biozentrum Discovery (BZD) is a seminar series, which alternates between talks by renowned guest speakers and seminars given by graduate students and postdocs from the Biozentrum. The seminars…

Farewell of Prof. Martin Spiess

A farewell event will be held on June 4, 2021, at 4 p.m. in honor of Martin Spiess, who has been Professor of Biochemistry at the Biozentrum since 1986. The program includes a welcome speech as well as words of thanks by the…