Individual visual stimuli are not processed independently by our brain. Rather neurons exchange incoming information to form a coherent perceptual image from the myriad of visual details impinging on our eyes. How our visual…
Our brain generates new neurons throughout life. A diversity of stimuli promotes stem cells in their niche to form neurons that migrate to their place of action. In an animal model Prof. Fiona Doetsch’s team at the…
Testimonial of Dimitris Koufopoulos University of Aberdeen, Scotland, Research Group Christoph Handschin Where do you come from and what do you study? I am from Greece and study Biomedical Sciences at the University of…
With the revolutionary CRISPR/Cas technology, the DNA of living organisms can be precisely altered. Using a guide RNA that recognizes a specific DNA sequence, Cas9 protein is recruited to that sequence and cuts the DNA. This…
Emeriti Prof. Dr. Ueli Aebi, Emeritus 1986 – 2011 Professor of Structural Biology Emeritus page Prof. Dr. Werner Arber, Emeritus 1971 – 1996 Professor of Molecular Microbiology Emeritus page Prof. Dr. Yves-Alain Barde,…
“Many things just worked out that way” May 2022 Four years ago. Alumninews took up contact with Britta Hartmann. At this time, however, she was in the middle of a career change. Today, the biologist is the Head of the…
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of biomolecules We apply and develop high-resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) methods to elucidate structure, function, and dynamics of biological macromolecules. The…
CV of Prof. Dr. Michael N. Hall ORCID 0000-0002-2998-0757 Google Scholar Google Scholar Nationality: Swiss Positions: Since 2023 Principal Investigator, Institute of Human Biology, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Basel,…
In 1949, the Canadian psychologist Donald O. Hebb described that connections between neurons become stronger when the neurons are active at the same time, and that strengthened connections facilitate signal transmission. The…
The production of proteins is the most energy-consuming activity of cells. It needs to be tightly regulated, to ensure efficient use of cellular resources. Researchers led by Prof. Mihaela Zavolan at the Biozentrum have now…
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