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A springboard into research for Bachelor students

What questions arise in day-to-day scientific research? What is it like to work as a scientist? And how does a research group work? The opportunity to get to the bottom of these questions, to actively participate in everyday…

"Einblicke Biozentrum" on the novel coronavirus outbreak

At the end of 2019, physicians in Wuhan, China, described a cluster of pneumonia associated with an unknown virus. Only two weeks later scientists had determined that the pathogen is a new type of coronavirus that is related…

A springboard into research for Bachelor students

What is it like to work as a scientist? How does a research group work? And what questions do scientists face on a day-to-day basis while driving forward a scientific research project? The opportunity to get to the bottom of…

A springboard into research for Bachelor students

What is it like to work as a scientist? How does a research group work? And what questions do scientists face on a day-to-day basis while driving forward a scientific research project? The opportunity to get to the bottom of…

Virtual Biozentrum Symposium 2021

The restrictions resulting from the ongoing coronavirus pandemic impact each of us in our daily work. But the crisis also sparks resourcefulness. The Biozentrum Symposium, for example, was completely re-designed and moved to…

First Biozentrum Retreat

On 22 June 2022, the scientists of the Biozentrum left their labs and seminar rooms for a three-day retreat on the Sursee campus. Around 300 researchers from a wide variety of disciplines took the time to get to know each…

Biozentrum PhD Fellowships: Application deadline December 15

"The Biozentrum is an institute that has always attracted good researchers. However, with the Biozentrum PhD Fellowships program, we have a unique tool to also actively recruit outstanding, international junior scientist,"…

Biozentrum Highlights 2020

2020 was a roller-coaster year, with a lot of unexpected and challenging situations. But even though research and teaching activities were affected by the drastic measures to contain the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the Biozentrum…

A springboard into research for Bachelor students

What is it like to work as a scientist? How does a research group work? And what questions do scientists face on a day-to-day basis while driving forward a scientific research project? The opportunity to get to the bottom of…

Apply now! Biozentrum PhD Fellowships

"The Biozentrum is an institute that has always attracted good researchers. By providing the Biozentrum PhD Fellowships program, we also have a unique tool to actively recruit outstanding, international junior scientists,"…