The Biozentrum start-up Aukera Therapeutics was selected to join the BaseLaunch Accelerator Program. With its qualification for this program, the biotech venture receives funding of up to 500,000 Swiss francs as well as…
The cell envelope is covered with a wide variety of receptor proteins. They are the sensors to the environment, perceive signals such as the availability of nutrients and transmit this information to the inside of the cell.…
No matter where you go, you always find someone there already. This is true for many living creatures but especially for bacteria. In order to be able to stand their ground and eliminate unwanted rivals, many bacteria rely…
The origin of every cell of our body is a single cell, the fertilized egg. On the way to become a specialized cell, whether blood, heart or nerve cells, its descendants follow a genetic program. This program determines the…
A number of pathogens protect themselves with an outer membrane that makes it difficult to combat them with antibiotics. In addition, the widespread use of antibiotics promotes the development of resistant bacteria. In…
On March 30th, 2023, Prof. em. Walter Keller passed away at the age of 84 years in Basel, after a long illness. With his death, the Biozentrum has lost an outstanding scientist, an important figure in shaping the institute…
Odors, light, hormones and a tremendous variety of signaling molecules are recognized by a large family of cell receptors, known as G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). They are located on the cell surface and transduce…
The past year was in every respect exceptional for the Biozentrum. And so it happened that “the move” coincided with the 50th Jubilee. The kick-off was the official handover of the new building to the University of Basel. In…
Proteins perform various jobs in cells, they catalyze thousands of biochemical reactions, relay signals and are required for building cellular structures and transport processes. Within every single cell of our body vast…
Internships for school children To get a taste for research and have the opportunity to use their own hands, or a pipette as the case may be, and slip into the role of a scientist, is also made possible for school children…
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