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One or the other: Why strength training might come at the expense of endurance muscles

Fitness clubs are booming: New gyms are springing up like mushrooms. More and more people are striving to build up and strengthen their muscles. But what exactly happens in the muscle during training? In their recent work,…

Researchers reveal how bacteria control their cell cycle

Each living cell grows and divides, thus generating new offspring. This process is also known as the cell cycle. Strictly speaking, it describes a periodic repetition of two coordinated cycles: the duplication of a cell’s…

Gene transfer keeps bacteria fit

Bartonella are bacteria that can cause diverse infectious diseases in man, such as cat-scratch disease. In order to prevent the accumulation of mutations during the infection cycle, pathogens require efficient DNA repair…

D4: Molecular Structure, Function, and Dynamics

D4: Molecular and Cellular Structural Biology III – 17002 (2 hrs/week; 2 CP; Spring 2026) Sebastian Hiller This lecture series leads towards the understanding of the structural and functional aspects of biological membranes…

Cholesterol disrupts lipid metabolism in the cell

Our cells continuously receive external signals, which are transmitted across the cell membrane into the cell, to be processed in the cell nucleus. Various signaling pathways are found in the cell membrane. One is the…

How does a wing grow? A journey on the path of proteins.

How organs develop and how they grow to the right size and shape are fundamental questions in developmental biology. The morphogen Dpp is a signaling molecule controlling the development of different organs with regard to…

An enemy within: Pathogens hide in tissue

Infections such as tuberculosis or typhoid fever are caused by bacteria and can usually be treated well with antibiotics, at least as long as the bacteria are not resistant. However, full eradication of the bacteria cannot…

Cancer research: Metabolite drives tumor development

The liver is a vital organ with many important functions in the body. It metabolizes nutrients, stores energy, regulates the blood sugar level and plays a crucial role in detoxifying and removing harmful components and…

A “Catch-22” vaccine against Salmonellosis

Antibiotics are still the treatment of choice in fighting bacterial infections. However, due to their extensive and sometimes improper use in medicine and livestock farming, resistant pathogens are increasingly emerging,…

Researchers crack a puzzle of bacterial genome evolution

The forefather of phylogenetic trees can be found in Charles Darwin's revolutionary work "On the Origin of Species". These trees provide information about the evolution and relationships of species, from simple cells to…