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Neuronal circuits for fine motor skills

Picking up a pen and writing our name or reaching for a fork to eat spaghetti with tomato sauce are things we take for granted. However, holding a pen properly or bringing spaghetti to the mouth without making a mess…

Win-win in muscle research: faster results and fewer laboratory animals thanks to new method

Researchers use the mouse as a model organism to study the structure and function of skeletal muscle, neuromuscular diseases and ageing processes in muscle. The scientists are aware of their responsibility in the use of…

RNA molecules live short lives

RNA molecules are individual transcripts of the cell’s DNA. They transfer the genetic information of the DNA and provide a template for the production of proteins that regulate all the cell’s processes. The small carriers of…

High-Speed Locomotion Neurons Found in the Brainstem

Think of you either taking a casual stroll on a sunny Sunday afternoon or running at full speed to catch a bus for work on Monday morning as two extremes. Both forms of locomotion entail a perfect interplay between arms and…

Lab-on-a-chip for tracking single bacterial cells

It is hardly bigger than a matchbox and yet there is a laboratory en miniature on this chip. Single bacterial cells grow in about 2000 channels of a thousandth of a millimeter in diameter and can be individually studied in…

More than just walking: a new role for core brain region

Even the mundane act of walking requires complex movements such as postural changes and the coordination of all four limbs. Scientists have known that the mesencephalic locomotor region, which is part of the midbrain, is…

Immune defense: How immune cells are activated

T lymphocyte immune cells protect our body against pathogens. Chemokine signaling molecules direct these T cells to the site of infection where they help to eliminate the invading pathogens. This process is mediated by…

A Pfizer Research Prize for the Biozentrum

The Pfizer Research Prize is one of the most prestigious research awards in the field of medicine in Switzerland. This year, the Pfizer Research Prize Foundation has honored 25 researchers with awards. Maria Soledad Esposito…

Tracing the coronavirus with Nextstrain

Richard Neher has been conducting research at the Biozentrum since 2017. Yet never before has his opinion been so highly in demand as right now. Among scientists in Switzerland, he is one of the leading experts on the…

“The fall wave has already started”

Mr. Neher, this is our first interview without masks since the beginning of the pandemic. Will this remain so? Richard Neher: If the number of cases increases, wearing face masks again in some settings makes sense. This not…