From fingers on our hands to the wings of insects, the bodies of different animals form limbs of various shapes and sizes. Morphogens are signaling molecules that provide the necessary information for the proper development…
The opening of the new Swiss High-field NMR Facility was attended by high-ranking representatives of the three participating universities, invited guests from academia and industry along with scientists working in the fields…
With his nomination, Prof. Camilo Perez joins a high-ranking network of 73 current and 384 former EMBO Young Investigators , who represent some of the best young scientists in Europe and beyond. Established in 2000, the EMBO…
The brain is our body’s most complex organ and consists of about 100 billion neurons. For the error-free transmission of information and for proper functioning, the different cells must be programmed in a way that they…
Cancer cells are characterized by uncontrolled growth and cell division. A glioblastoma is a particularly aggressive form of brain tumor, which results from uncontrolled growth of so-called glial cells. Glial cells surround…
“We are very pleased to be joined by two experienced and specialised investors, the Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund and Reference Capital SA. This is optimal for completing preclinical work, and for planning and conducting…
The structure of a protein reveals a lot about its function. This means, the more precisely the three-dimensional protein structure is known, the better the conclusions on its function can be drawn. Using NMR spectroscopy,…
In Europe alone, hundreds of different variants of the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 are currently circulating, distinguished by mutations in their genomes. However, only very few of these variants have spread as successfully…
Prof. Marek Basler at the Biozentrum, University Basel, has been awarded the 2018 EMBO Gold Medal jointly with Dr. Melina Schuh from the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, Germany. The infection…
Diabetes is a medical condition in which the body is unable to keep blood sugar in a healthy range. Normally, the pancreas produces sufficient insulin to regulate the blood sugar level and maintain homeostasis. However, in…
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